[Lender] Deadline 9/30/08 Lenders to Renew ED Participation Agreements

Heid, Mary mheid at ogslp.org
Fri Sep 5 12:52:43 CDT 2008

Dear Colleagues;

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has issued a reminder announcement
2.doc> regarding the need for lenders to complete and submit a new
Organizational Participation Agreement (OPA) no later than September 30,
2008. Failure to submit the agreement by the deadline may result in the
inability to file your quarterly LaRS.

For more information and to see the original ED announcement, see our
related June Online News article
<http://www.ogslp.org/News/Archives/2008/20080623_Renew_OPA.html> . 
Mary Heid 
Director for Policy, Compliance, & Training 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
(405) 234-4489 phone 
(405) 234-4582 fax 
(800) 522-8506 TDD/TRS
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