[Lender] OLAC/OASFAA Proposals

Kelnar, Kelli kkelnar at ogslp.org
Wed Mar 18 08:27:35 CDT 2009

Hello OLAC Members,


 Listed below are a few business items that can be dealt with by e-mail.
We appreciate your review and response.  These items are:


       -Proposal has been made for OLAC to sponsor an exhibit table at
the upcoming Spring 2009 OASFAA Conference.  This show of support to our
state financial aid

      organization would give us exposure, as well as present OLAC as a
strong and united front.     


      The cost to exhibit at the conference will be $1,000 plus a $20
table set-up fee (with an additional $20 charge for two tables).   It
was reported the OLAC balance

      was approximately $11,000 on 4/30/08.  OLAC paid for the
Decentralized Training lunch in 10/08 for $1,527 and the Support Staff
training lunch, which was held last

      Friday, March 13.  The cost for that was approximately $500. 


      -If the proposal to sponsor an exhibit table at OASFAA is
approved, it has been proposed that up to $1,000 be used to purchase
promotional items to    

     distribute at the conference, i.e. pens, flyers, sticky notes, etc.


      OLAC members will be encouraged to spend some time working at the
table throughout the conference, visiting with schools and distributing
information and 

      promotional items.  


      -It is once again time to select officers for the 2009 OLAC term.
Nominations received to date are included below, however, if you have
additional nominations, 

     please let us know.  Once all nominations are received and
accepted, we will send out the complete ballot for voting.


        President:  Kay Brezny, OSLA, nominated

        President Elect:  No nominations

        Treasurer:  Diane Hogue, Tinker Federal Credit Union, nominated

        Secretary:  Tina Seawright, BancFirst Student Loans, nominated



So that arrangements can begin, these proposals are being made to OLAC
members with the expectation that any "opposing" the recommendations
respond to Kelli Kelnar by Friday, March 27th.  If no opposing e-mails
are received, the motions will carry forward as approved.


If you have questions please let me know.  Thank you! 


Kelli Kelnar 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
A division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
School/Lender Support Services 
Phone 405.234.4313 
Phone 800.247.0420 
Fax 405.234.4547 
kkelnar at ogslp.org 

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