[Lender] US Department of Education Announces Revised Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Application

McCreary, Matt mmccreary at ogslp.org
Tue Aug 17 16:33:41 CDT 2010

US Department of Education Announces Revised Total and Permanent
Disability Discharge Application


On August 16, 2010, in DCL GEN-10-15, the US Department of Education
announced a revised Total and Permanent Disability Discharge
Application.  The revised version has the same expiration date
(12/31/2011) as the previous version; however, it is distinguishable by
a "Revised 7/2010" in the bottom right hand corner of all the pages.  


This revised version must be provided to borrowers beginning November 1,
2010, but as there have been major changes to the discharge provisions,
the US Department of Education encourages the use of the new form as
soon as possible.  The previous version of the form may continue to be
accepted from borrowers until January 31, 2011.  The US Department of
Education will reject any applications with a receipt date after January
31, 2011 that do not include the revised version of the form.


Please see DCL GEN-10-15
<http://www.ifap.ed.gov/dpcletters/GEN1015.html>  for further
information.  If you have any questions regarding the Total and
Permanent Disability Discharge Application process, please contact Jaime
Shelton at either jshelton at ogslp.org or 405-234-4281.

Matt McCreary 
Policy Analyst 

Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
A Division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 

405-234-4296 - phone 
405-234-4549 - fax 


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