[Lender] OGSLP Closed 12/23, 12/24, and 12/31

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Wed Dec 22 10:30:06 CST 2010

Hello Everyone!

The OGSLP office will be closed on December 23rd, 24th, and 31st for the
Christmas and New Year holidays.


I hear you are all on Santa's "nice list" this year so you only have a
couple more days of staying out of trouble to get what you are wishing
for (although for a few of us that could seem like eternity).


Happy Holidays from Everyone at OGSLP!


Penny Gandy 
Outreach Services Manager 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
A Division of the State Regents for Higher Education 
PO Box 3000 
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000 
p. (405) 234-4364      f. (405) 234-4553 
(TDD/TRS) 800-522-8506 
pgandy at ogslp.org 


www.UCanGo2.org <http://www.ucango2.org/>  (find 'UCanGo2' on Facebook!)

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