[Lender] Financial Education in Oklahoma Conference

Caddell, Angela acaddell at ogslp.org
Thu Oct 21 14:27:33 CDT 2010


Below is information about the upcoming Financial Education in Oklahoma
Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Oklahoma
City Branch and the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition.  The conference will
be held Wednesday, November 3 in Oklahoma City.  A registration flyer
and agenda are attached.

This year's event will explore how culture, age, ethnicity and gender
impact financial education strategies and outcomes.  I hope you'll
consider participating in this informative conference!



Angela O. Caddell 
Director for Communications, Financial Education, & Outreach 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
a division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
P.O. Box 3000 
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000 
405-234-4495 (direct)
800-522-8506 (TDD/TRS) 
800-970-OKMM (toll-free) 
405-234-4554 (fax) 
acaddell at ogslp.org <mailto:acaddell at ogslp.org>  
www.ogslp.org <http://www.ogslp.org/>  
www.OklahomaMoneyMatters.org <http://www.oklahomamoneymatters.org/> 
www.UCanGo2.org <http://www.ucango2.org/> 
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How do youth develop positive financial behaviors?  What strategies work
in improving financial education outcomes for high school and college
youth? How can teachers be supported in improving the professional and
financial outcomes of their students? 

Explore research-based strategies to address these questions with
nationally recognized leaders at the 2010 Financial Education in
Oklahoma Conference on November 3 in Oklahoma City. 

RSVP Now for the Financial Education in Oklahoma Conference: Diversity
in Practice
Register on-line at okfined10.kcfed.org 

Expand your financial education success though exploring issues of
culture, age, ethnicity and gender and their impact on financial
capabilities and outcomes at the 2010 Financial Education in Oklahoma
Conference: Diversity in Practice. 

Keynote Speaker: Kelvin Boston of Moneywise with Kelvin Boston 
Kelvin Boston, a respected financial journalist, public speaker and
best-selling author is uniquely qualified to keynote this year's
conference. As the executive producer and host of Moneywise with Kelvin
Boston, public television's longest running multi-cultural financial
affairs television series, Kelvin explores the role of culture, race and
gender. Kelvin Boston is the author of Smart Money Moves for African
Americans and Who's Afraid To Be A Millionaire? 

Join with national experts and Oklahoma colleagues to explore leading
programs, share experiences, and identify resources for your financial
education efforts. 

National speakers include: 

*	Dr. Billy Hensley, National Endowment for Financial Education 
*	Dr. Urvi Neelakantan, The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 
*	Dr. Joyce Serido, Take Charge America Institute at the
University of Arizona 
*	Dr. Janice Wassel, American Institute of Financial Gerontology 

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 3 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

Location: Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus, Oklahoma
13301 S Penn, Oklahoma City, OK 73170 

Registration: On-line registration available at okfined10.kcfed.org. The
registration fee of $25 includes continental breakfast and lunch buffet.

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