[Lender] Join OK-CAN, the Oklahoma College Access Network

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ocap.org
Fri May 6 13:16:12 CDT 2011



The Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)*, a division of the
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, is launching a
collaborative outreach initiative known as the Oklahoma College Access
Network (OK-CAN)
<http://m1e.net/c?135745673-yliqsQTglNLss%406428697-LYV9Izfq/Wl6Y> .
Created to be a centralized hub for college access service providers
like you, OK-CAN will provide a framework for participating members to
collaborate on activities, materials, publications, tools and other
resources that meet compatible objectives.

OK-CAN membership is free and will offer a host of benefits for
participating organizations, including:       

*	networking opportunities through listserv discussions and
regional workshops and trainings. 
*	exchange of best practices to support development of relevant,
engaging publications, toolkits, and websites. 
*	a forum to reach a wide variety of potential partners to pose
questions, exchange ideas, or find strategic ways to meet common goals. 
*	an informative event calendar to help members take advantage of
professional development, training and networking opportunities. 
*	access to a "members only" section (available soon) of the 
OK-CAN website
<http://m1e.net/c?135745673-n.YkFJke/.RBk%406428697-TEVh4ceB3/gDM> ,
which offers an online resource workbench and a member roster to
facilitate direct contact with peer service providers. 


A diverse group of practitioners is invited to join OK-CAN, including
schools (secondary and postsecondary), philanthropic and nonprofit
organizations, government entities, tribal and religious organizations
and other community partners who provide college access programs and
services. We believe the potential range of perspectives and approaches
will strengthen our collective ability to improve college access for
underserved, first-generation college-going Oklahoma families.

We ask you to join OK-CAN today
<http://m1e.net/c?135745673-IyWRyv8er.X1M%406428694-Gb5.Cs5gHSpek>  and
forward this email to colleagues who serve organizations that may also
benefit from OK-CAN membership. Visit our website, OkCollegeAccess.org
<http://m1e.net/c?135745673-l3fWUkI39l8yI%406428697-uCK.195r3v7Vo> , or
contact me directly for more information. We look forward to the many
opportunities we can create as like-minded organizations working to help
more Oklahomans recognize that education after high school is within




Penny Gandy
Manager of Outreach Services
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)

     An operating division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101
405.234.4364 | 866.443.7420 (toll-free) | 800.522.8506 (TDD/TRS) |
405.234.4553 (fax)
pgandy at ocap.org | www.ocap.org


*OCAP was formerly known as the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan
Program. Read an article about our name change
<http://m1e.net/c?135745673-gQM8u7aCIMErQ%406428696-nsCQ2.p98GJZQ>  in
our April 2011 edition of The Online News. 


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