[Lender] Special Consolidation Loan Program and FFEL Lenders - A High-Level Overview

McCreary, Matt mmccreary at ocap.org
Mon Nov 28 11:13:51 CST 2011

Special Consolidation Loan Program and FFEL Lenders - A High-Level


On Nov. 23, ED added to a series of communications sent to the financial
aid community regarding the Special Direct Consolidation Loan
opportunity offered by ED from January to June 30, 2012.


This e-nnouncement
elV.html>  provides lenders with a high-level overview of how the
program will work and how it will affect FFEL lenders.


In addition to this high-level overview provided by ED, OCAP staff is
participating in a workgroup consisting of the National Council on
Higher Education Loan Programs (NCHELP) and the Student Loan Servicing
Alliance (SLSA) to put together a Special Direct Consolidation Loan
Program Q&A
l-Direct-Consolidation-Loan-Program-QA.htm>  to help answer questions
regarding this program.  If you have questions you would like to see
addressed in this Q&A, please send them to Matt McCreary, Policy
Analyst, at mmccreary at ocap.org.  



Matt McCreary 
Policy Analyst 

Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP) 
formerly known as Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program

a division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 


405-234-4296 - phone 
405-234-4549 - fax 

800-522-8506 (TDD/TRS)


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