[Lender] FW: TPD Contact Info on NSLDS - Action Item for Lenders/Servicers

Heid, Mary mheid at ocap.org
Fri Jun 7 10:56:28 CDT 2013

From: Mark Putman [mailto:mputman at ncher.us]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 10:22 AM
To: nslds at ncher.us<mailto:nslds at ncher.us>
Subject: TPD Contact Info on NSLDS - Action Item for Lenders/Servicers

Good morning,

In the May 24, 2013 Electronic Announcement entitled, TPD Discharge Information - TPD Loan Holder Notification File for Use Beginning July 1, 2013<http://www.ifap.ed.gov/eannouncements/052413TPDDITPDLHNFileforUseBeginning070113.html> there was an attachment, TPD Loan Holder Notification File Overview in PDF Format<http://www.ifap.ed.gov/eannouncements/attachments/TPDDITPDLHNFileforUseBeginning070113ATTACH1.pdf> that listed actions item for organizations.

Specifically, each loan holder (lender/servicer) will need to take action before June 30th to ensure that the Nelnet Total and Permanent Disability Servicer knows the SAIG mailbox (TG number) or e-mail address to which it will send the loan holder’s TPD LHN Files.

The two action items:

1.    Provide SAIG Mailbox, Contact Person, and Test Period Status

2.    Designate Contact through NSLDS “Disability Processing” Contact Type
are explained in the attachment that is linked above.

Federal Student Aid/NSLDS has asked that NCHER remind the community of these items as they have only received two responses to date.

Thanks and great weekends to all,

Mark Putman
Chief Technology Officer
•mputman at ncher.us<mailto:mputman at ncher.us>

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