[MainstreetManagers] Main Street Advocates Update

Vicki Davis vdavis at yukonok.gov
Fri Dec 4 10:54:03 CST 2020

Good Friday to you all,
Please see the message below from Patrice Frey with the complete update that I briefed in our zoom this morning.  Be sure to note the two "Call to Action" bullets.
The first includes a link for a survey that requests your immediate action.  The second bullet includes a link for the storytelling campaign.

>From my contact with our legislators in this effort, I can tell you that it is the business and MS programming examples that has resonated with them the most.  Please consider the challenges and triumphs both your businesses and program have experienced as well as innovative solutions that may be emulated and perhaps be an example of use of funds.

Have a wonderful weekend!

From: Kelly Humrichouser [mailto:KHumrichouser at savingplaces.org]
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 11:24 AM
To: Patrice Frey
Cc: Renee Kuhlman; Shaw Sprague
Subject: Main Street Advocates Update

Dear Main Street Advocates:

You are doubtless seeing a flurry of news about COVID relief legislation, and we wanted to provide an update on our Main Street America Recovery and Revitalization proposal. Despite less of a public push in recent weeks, we have remained in close contact with key Senate offices about our proposal and the potential for its inclusion in EDA or other funding mechanisms as part of a next package. What we are hearing is that our proposal - whether through EDA or another vehicle - is well positioned for inclusion in a larger, post-transition package that may take shape.

There is, however, a more urgent need that we see - and suspect that many of you do, too - for Congress to come together on immediate relief for small businesses. To that end, please see below this email for a note being sent to the Main Street America network later today, asking for participation in a broad, national campaign for this immediate small business relief. After this email is sent from MSA, we encourage you to push this out in your local and state networks.

Please be assured: our call to push for immediate relief for small businesses in no way means that we are moving away from our proposal to support Main Street programs specifically. For continued advocacy for both small businesses and Main Street programs, we encourage you to:
*         Participate - and encourage participation in your networks - in our new business and Main Street program surveys. Yesterday, an announcement went out<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mainstreet.org%2fblogs%2fnational-main-street-center%2f2020%2f12%2f02%2fcalling-all-main-street-programs-congress-needs-to&c=E,1,SDTGS9EIXS3xZ-aqNRCmvmjIUvehvZ_gelMStX8EX0eM_MwdujlcFk35k8xinlywBtQ7F-j4phGD_sFrfjLwkRhlli9VecPX_SNwsGMMczJMS8bX-aeg&typo=1> to the network encouraging participation, but we need you to reiterate the message.
*         Share stories of Main Street programs and small businesses for our storytelling campaign<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fforms.office.com%2fPages%2fResponsePage.aspx%3fid%3dLJJfVhqEG0GlYJ_xs-XVeO5JWDEcaXtFnhe-y6pBoJhUMDlEMlVFOFBUMFZESUdUM1ZXNU5QTlNMNi4u&c=E,1,chymdV7pIm3-RPqzNebF5fw3PVUbZCe_zzJ_IEs0psm6jzbHiSgwulnjqzbamcHUeEFbIHkpNayoowqFVadYQK94e8Wp-6vy1NyosWy0EvpVyAjD&typo=1>.  We have reached out to several specific advocacy targets about this, but we are looking for stories from every corner of the network.
There are updated, redesigned talking points<https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/NMSC/390e0055-2395-4d3b-af60-81b53974430d/UploadedImages/General_Uploads/Main_Street_America_TP_11_9.pdf> and FAQ<https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/NMSC/390e0055-2395-4d3b-af60-81b53974430d/UploadedImages/General_Uploads/Main_Street_America_FAQ_-_11_9.pdf> available for the Main Street Recovery and Revitalization proposal. Please continue your work of outreach and education, and keep us informed of any needs or new contacts made.

Please be in touch with any questions. We greatly appreciate your work to support Main Street!

  *   The Main Street Advocacy Team

 Over the past six months, Main Street America has been advocating to Congress for federal funding for Main Street coordinating and local programs. The work of Main Street programs in supporting small businesses throughout the pandemic has been unprecedented, and persistent outreach across the network has elevated our message to key Senate offices. Local economic recovery from this pandemic will be prolonged, and Main Street America will continue to push for federal support for our programs and to advocate for Main Street programs.

Unfortunately, since the CARES Act was passed in March, there has been no substantial federal COVID response legislation. Several relief packages have been proposed - most of which include significant relief for small businesses in the form of additional Payroll Protection Program support and long-term lending vehicles to for small businesses. While there is broad bipartisan support for small business relief, unrelated political disagreements have stymied discussions. Unfortunately, we know all too well that businesses are suffering.

While our push for specific relief for Main Street programs is at the core of our advocacy efforts, there is an urgent need for federal support for the small businesses within our communities. As winter takes hold, we know that the situation for small businesses - particularly restaurants and entertainment venues - is increasingly bleak. Many businesses that have been "hanging on by a thread" are now facing difficult decisions to close their doors.

Today, we are asking our network to engage in a national campaign for bipartisan, immediate relief for small businesses. Lift your voice by signing a petition<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fhelpsmallbusinessesnow.com%2f&c=E,1,kyuKCVOf8JgBCaHRV8JHeYceHJKE-mb4aGfyA0ZSS6VUuIk-OnIYReLTxyLXPPhnQW8FOfpI6YMAcasYDUqyObqkrdOLhsUctwJgeLy7yg,,&typo=1> to call on Congress to support our small businesses NOW.   Share these messages<https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelpsmallbusinessesnow.com%2F&text=Join%20me%20in%20telling%20Congress%20to%20pass%20a%20meaningful%20stimulus%20bill%20now.%20Watch%20the%20video%20and%20sign%20the%20petition> and videos<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fvimeo.com%2f485815906&c=E,1,s8HJX3ZQz92lWqPtqKOSZGdVjdI9Rd7s0xqwNAh2Y34bbwiaYbrjl-E9CFbvRVqjh6xBapMpCRQpATzLd3afThEFwW9X5WCPjz_C1_7ekoKyYNIHbDRwTyW9UQ,,&typo=1> with through your social media pages. Let's urge Congress to take action to support our small businesses.
Keep in mind: our work on specific funding for Main Street programs will continue. Please see our network note yesterday regarding two new surveys for Main Street programs and small businesses. Collecting this important information will help us support these interrelated efforts.

Kelly Humrichouser | Manager of Education & Illinois Coordinating Program
P 312.610.5619

53 West Jackson Blvd. Suite 350  Chicago, IL 60604
www.mainstreet.org<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mainstreet.org%2f&c=E,1,jPlRbRsvMQ0XMQ5rpgknKdIZoPypm9qaLhlXnoeEwwKM8lCRC08bnMIRnktWY7dHJrgRQid0DEOYzLPQzckVRJyQZAubSa19gsPYZYGCgj1TNGYD8g,,&typo=1>| Follow us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/NationalMainStreetCenter> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/NatlMainStreet>
Read State of Main<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.mainstreet.org%2fmainstreetamerica%2fstateofmain2018&c=E,1,sLN98i6uoXjyCR6L01GBcvUslPnqCm710tcUucTxpJ6Eem4RhVxU_a0VIbH4X2dpR3YgksJwRSTOq9gaA6FBkxVCSYTJq4VuIQ3nVXvkiOq1jbTMrA,,&typo=1>, a publication of Main Street America


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