[MainstreetManagers] Question: Municipal and gov owned buildings

Kelli Yadon Kelli.Yadon at okcommerce.gov
Thu May 16 15:21:54 CDT 2024

Hey everyone.
We are making some updates to our reinvestment reporting and question has arisen.

Right now, facade rehabs and other construction projects have no public funds option (city, state and federal).

We know of several new construction projects that are being federally funded in our urban areas but please let me know if a city/state property is in your district that would potentially have facade rehab $$.

For example, I know the county health department is located in downtown el Reno but I don’t know if they lease or own the building to determine if they rehabbed the facade where would money need yo be recorded.

Trying to determine all the areas we could add public sector $$s that are not district improvements like streetscapes etc.

Thank you!

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