[MainstreetTowns] '25 National MS Conference: OK/KS Dinner!

Whitney Redding Whitney.Redding at okcommerce.gov
Fri Feb 21 16:41:26 CST 2025

Hello all,

As we gear up and get excited for the National Main Street Conference this year, we will once again be doing a dinner with our friends from Kansas!
This year it will be at Brauhaus Schmitz – Philly's most authentic German Bierhall<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://brauhausschmitz.com/__;!!NZFi6Pppv9YRQw!qizememVOeExpUjIXO_GIANt9Fp_FCXIJk_dlOy2AaIgBY0_EizoEQeJHFCnX8e7NQxcc_R1cNwGc3tBFWvjOWruywhobacICQ$>, on Monday, April 7th, from 6-8PM, and is 1-mile from the conference hotel.  Please take the quick RSVP below to let us know if you will be able to attend, as we will need to confirm the number of RSVPs to the restaurant on Friday, April 4th.

Please take the poll even if you are unable to attend the conference, as we are using this poll to help track conference attendance as well.

Take the Poll!<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8MGTPLF>


Whitney Redding | Oklahoma Main Street

Administrative Assistant

Oklahoma Department of Commerce

whitney.redding at okcommerce.gov<mailto:Anna.Schilling at okcommerce.gov>

405-312-2804 (text capable)


[Title: State of Oklahoma logo - Description: Multi-color chevron pinwheel with the word Oklahoma to the right.]

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