[Oacrao-l] Invitation to ACT Enrollment Management Workshops

Don.Pitchford at act.org Don.Pitchford at act.org
Mon Apr 11 15:05:11 CDT 2011

Greetings from ACT:

We hope this email finds you all doing well and experiencing success with 
meeting enrollment objectives on your respective campuses. As you likely 
know,  ACT is recognized in the higher education arena for its solutions 
relative to assisting with recruitment, placement and retention. For the 
past fifty years ACT research and solutions have helped guide higher 
education leaders in making informed decisions that have helped students 
successfully "get in, get through, and get out" ...a very simplistic 
description of enrollment management.

Simply put, the proper use of ACT research and solutions can lead to 
greater success with strategies associated with recruitment, advising, 
placement, and in measuring learning outcomes.  For this purpose, ACT has 
designed a series of FREE one day drive-in workshops to offer to New 
Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana enrollment management, student 
services, institutional research,  testing , retention and admission 
professionals. We have targeted Albuquerque, Baton Rouge, Oklahoma City 
and Little Rock as hosting cities as we feel it will logistically best 
serve our clients from all areas of your states. Our hopes are that 
professionals from your schools , that may have been restricted to travel 
to other conferences , will recognize the value and ease of attending 
these free informative workshops. 

We plan to begin these workshops at 10:00 and finish by 2:00 each day thus 
providing most guests with an opportunity to only be away from their 
offices one day.  ACT will provide a catered luncheon at each workshop. 
ACT intends to secure a representative from each of your state's Higher 
Education Departments to provide an introduction and state specific P-20 
update. Information relative to the increasing number of ACT test takers 
and how this may effect your state's applicant pool will be featured. We 
also plan  to secure a local speaker at each workshop to share a "best 
practice" associated with an EM related strategy. 

You can view the workshop agenda and register to attend one of the 
workshops at the following link:   
We hope that you find these workshop offerings a valuable, convenient 
professional development opportunity and are able to send a team to join 
us this spring. Thank you for all that you do for your students as we 
appreciate and value our continued partnership with our counterparts in 
higher education. 

Don Pitchford PhD
Higher Education Consultant
Austin, Texas
Don.Pitchford at act.org

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