[Oacrao-l] Student Never Attendance

Kathy Simmons ksimmons at langston.edu
Mon Feb 4 11:27:27 CST 2013


1.     Do you depend upon faculty to electronically respond with a list of
students who never attend their class(es)?  Yes.  Faculty have option of
submitting AW during semester or final grade roster.


2.     Upon receiving this data, do you cancel students for never attendance
(where it is not transcripted)?  No.  Student is responsible for completing
form to drop courses.


3.     Upon receiving  this data, do you reduce charges to zero for students
who never attend?  No.  Student is responsible for completing form to drop
courses within the allotted drop/add period for refund.



Kathy Simmons

University Registrar

Langston University

P.O. Box 728

Langston, Oklahoma 73050

(405) 466-3225 phone

(405) 466-3381 fax

ksimmons at langston.edu

Website:  http://www.langston.edu/registrar

Registrar's Office email address:  registrar at langston.edu



From: oacrao-l-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:oacrao-l-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Stringfellow, Alan
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 9:21 AM
To: oacrao-l at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [Oacrao-l] Student Never Attendance


Good Morning!


I would like to put some data together showing the actions of our state
institutions in terms of what we do with never attendance.  At OCCC, we
currently identify our students who never attend through our on-line system,
and we then cancel them out of classes while reducing their charges to zero,
but we do charge a $35.00 processing fee per class we cancel.  I know this
was a topic of conversation at our Fall Conference as we had a session which
discussed this very thing.  If you don't mind, could you answer the three
questions below with a simple yes or no and then I will put the information
together for my meeting where we are currently reviewing our process.  I am
really hoping to modify our process, yet need to see if our policy is
consistent, in any way, to what other institutions do within the state.


1.     Do you depend upon faculty to electronically respond with a list of
students who never attend their class(es)?


2.     Upon receiving this data, do you cancel students for never attendance
(where it is not transcripted)?


3.     Upon receiving  this data, do you reduce charges to zero for students
who never attend?


Thanks in advance for your input.this will really provide some perspective
in terms of where we, at OCCC, are at with this policy, in contrast with
everyone else within the state.





Alan Stringfellow M.ED.  | OCCC | Registrar |

7777 S. May Avenue | Oklahoma City, OK  73159 |

p: 405.682.7522 | f: 405.688.3902 |

e: astringfellow at occc.edu

Now is Power Pic


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