[Oacrao-l] OACRAO updates - Executive Committee nominations, calls for constitutional changes, and more!

Shelley Lute tlute at uco.edu
Fri Oct 9 14:53:16 CDT 2020

Hello everyone! First, please let me apologize for sending such a long email, especially on a Friday afternoon. I must also apologize for the delay in sending this information. Calls for nominees, constitutional changes and special recognition should have gone out months ago. I can still blame Covid, right? 😊

We are still working on getting the website back up and running, so please stay tuned for more information on that.

A few notes to catch everyone up on changes with the OACRAO Executive Committee:

  1.  Jill Lindblad took a position with an institution out of state and had to resign as President. As Past President I stepped back into the role, while retaining my Past President status. (déjà vu, anyone?)
  2.  Stephanie Baird took a position with Francis Tuttle, and had to resign her position as VP of Admissions and Enrollment. The Executive Committee appointed Charlie Monnot to fill that position.
  3.  Julie Byer has retired from UCO so her position as OSRHE Liaison is now open. This is an appointed position, not elected by the membership. If anyone is interested or has a recommendation, please let me or any other member of the Executive Committee know.
** I attached a simple word document with the list of current committee members and their email addresses.

In other news:

  1.  We are accepting nominations for open positions on the Executive Committee for the 2020-2021 year.  The following positions will be voted on during the business meeting portion of our first ever virtual conference.

  *   President-Elect
  *   Secretary
  *   Vice President – Membership and Mentoring
  *   Vice President – Professional Development
  *   Vice President – Records and Registration

If you have any questions about what these positions entail, please feel free to reach out to any member of the current Executive Committee. We would be happy with visit with you and answer any questions you may have. Please consider nominating a colleague from any institution; you can even nominate yourself! Please send an email directly to me with your nominations as soon as you are able.

  1.  We are also calling for proposed changes to OACRAO’s Constitution or Bylaws. I have attached both for your perusal. Again, feel free to reach out to any member of the EC with any questions you may have.

  1.  Please consider recommending a colleague you feel is deserving of special recognition according to Article IV of OACRAO’s bylaws (pages 4 & 5 of the attached bylaws document.)

I believe that is all for now.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Shelley Lute, M.Ed.
OACRAO President/Past President 2019-2020
Senior Associate Registrar
100 N University Drive Box 151
Edmond, OK 73034
tlute at uco.edu<mailto:tlute at uco.edu>

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