[Oasfaa] Vicki update...

Emerson, Kristina K kristina-emerson at utulsa.edu
Wed May 30 13:07:23 CDT 2007


Hi Everyone...


I wanted to share with you the good news about Vicki...:-)  She went to
the doctor yesterday and her platelet count was.......118000 :-) :-) :-)
this is awesome as she had been hovering around 50000.  This is telling
the doctor that the germ in her bone marrow is gone.  Late last week
they were contemplating doing another bone marrow biopsy but with
yesterdays lab results he says that is not a thought any longer :-)  Her
hemoglobin is what it is for a "normal" person, as Vicki puts it :-)  


The fluid is coming off and from last week to yesterday she had dropped
35 pounds  :-) :-) :-)  There is still a slight issue with her lungs but
yesterday was the best he had heard in weeks so that is good...that
should get better as the fluid continues to come off.  She was even able
to wear her wedding ring yesterday!!!!  Her feet and legs are still
swollen but I can tell a difference.  He is also reducing the steroid
that is causing some puffiness and she hopes to be off it completely by
the end of next week.  


He is going to keep a very close watch on her and she will have labs run
about every two days.  If they continue improving, then yesterday was
hopefully her last plasma exchange!!!! :-) :-) :-)  


Please pray for strength and patience for Vicki. She is trying to do
little things each day and that is helping but it will take a while to
regain her strength.


The Lord has answered our prayers and is continuing to touch and heal
Vicki.  She firmly believes that she has been given a second chance and
she has a new lease on life!!!  She doesn't remember much of anything
about her time in the hospital; which is probably for the best!


She is still having a hard time grasping how many of you have been
praying for her and all the cards, emails and flowers you have sent. :-)
She is now going through them one by one and reading them, which will
take her quite a little while :-) :-) :-)  


I want to thank you for all that you have done...when I put out the
request for prayer, emails and cards you all came through and went above
and beyond what I ever could have hoped for.   It is because of all your
prayers and support that she is where she is today!!!


Yesterday the doctor told her that she was just a mystery to him...she
said, "NO, I AM A MIRACLE"!!!!!






Kristi Emerson

Assistant Director, Student Financial Services

The University of Tulsa

600 South College Avenue

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104


918.631.5105 (fax)

kristi-emerson at utulsa.edu




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