[Oasfaa] Thank You

Carter, Marcia J. mcarter at ecok.edu
Tue Jan 29 09:39:25 CST 2008

Thank you for all the prayers and concern during my hospital stay.  You
are truly wonderful friends and I deeply appreciate all the email,
visits, cards, calls, flowers and genuine caring.  It was a very
difficult few days and both my family and I are so grateful for all the
prayers sent up on my behalf.  


I am back at work and getting stronger everyday.  The doctors are still
working on getting my blood levels where they should be and once that
happens, I should start to feel better.


I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in April at OASFAA.


Again, thank you.  I am so blessed to have such caring friends.





Marcia Carter

Director of Financial Aid

East Central University

1100 East 14th Street

Ada, OK  74820


mcarter at ecok.edu


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