[Oasfaa] FW: NASFAA's 2008 Best Practices Symposium

Lynell Armstrong lynella at gctech.org
Wed Mar 5 14:15:23 CST 2008

Good afternoon, everyone.
I have been asked to share the information below with you about an
upcoming Best Practices Symposium.  

Also, if your school is a NASFAA member, don't forget to vote right
away.  Our own Sherry (Foster) Hudson is running for
Representative-at-Large.  It's always nice to have Oklahomans on the
NASFAA Board of Directors.  Let's help her win!

Have a wonderful day!
Lynell Armstrong

-----Original Message-----
From: Haley Chitty [mailto:chittyh at NASFAA.ORG] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 12:39 PM
Subject: NASFAA's 2008 Best Practices Symposium

Dear State and Regional Presidents,

We are asking your help in sharing the following information regarding
NASFAA's 2008 Best Practices Symposium with colleagues in your state
during any meetings you may be holding as well as via your Newsletter.
If you have any questions regarding these activities, please contact
Eileen Welsh at welshe at nasfaa.org <mailto:welshe at nasfaa.org> .

Thank you for your assistance,

2008 NASFAA Training and Best Practices Committee


NASFAA Best Practices Symposium

Why are we discussing Professionalism and Ethics?

The topic is timely and timeless. There is more to professionalism and
ethics than student lending issues. Each time you counsel a student,
award an aid package, or meet with other administrators and faculty on
campus, your professionalism and ethics come into play. The 2008 Best
Practices Symposium will provide you with the opportunity to examine
what being a financial aid professional means and the interplay of
ethics in the performance of your job. For instance:

*	How can we ensure that packaging policies address student needs
and institutional goals? 
*	How can we resist pressures to make improper adjustments to
financial awards as a recruitment technique? 
*	How do we learn to say "no" rather than "greasing the squeaky
*	How do we balance accessibility to college with institutional
*	What considerations should guide decisions on financial aid

This is just a small sampling of the types of dilemmas financial aid
administrators face every day. 

The NASFAA Best Practices Symposium provides participants with a unique
opportunity to go in-depth and learn from the experiences of others in a
small-group environment. Come and share ideas with other colleagues on
current issues facing higher education!  The day long Symposium will be
held April 5, 2008, in Seattle, WA and April 21, 2008, Adelphi, MD. For
more information about the Symposium, visit the NASFAA Best Practices
Symposium Web site at http://www.NAFSAA.org/BestPractices.asp, and
register now.


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