[Oasfaa] File Shredding question??

Jonna Raney Jonna.Raney at okbu.edu
Tue Sep 2 11:33:02 CDT 2008

I'm having a "small" debate w/ a member of our Adm team and I'd like to know what others do.  We have an organization in town that shreds for businesses in town.  The organization is staffed by disabled people who generally cannot even read, but I guess their supervisors can.  Anyway, our office has used them for years and have never felt like we were endangering anyone's identity. We have verified that when they pick up the materials, it is shredded the same day and not sitting around in boxes somewhere. 

However, now the Adm office wants to buy a high-powered shredder and thinks I should help pay for out of my budget because "it's against the law for me to send my shredding off campus."  I asked for documentation of such law and she of course, doesn't have that.....

Anyway, is anyone else sending your docs off-site to be shredded?  I thought this was common practice, but maybe not.  If you agree w/ Adm, don't worry about hurting my feelings...I'd just like to know what you do.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,

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