[Oasfaa] The Further Adventures of BigDog

Mc Conahay, Pamela K. pmcconahay at ou.edu
Thu Oct 8 19:25:55 CDT 2009

OK, Laura, you shamed me into it.

It's Oct 8, 2009 and we've had BigDog for almost 2 years.  He's gotten fatter ("hey, these French fry things are GOOD!")  and is still eating my socks ....seriously, last night he gulped one down while I was taking clothes to the utility room.  Don't tell the vet, he's supposed to be on a diet.  To this day, he's still only barked that one time, but he does tend to "talk" a little bit more....especially when you scratch him just right.   We thought we had him placed with a vet-med student in Stillwater, we were supposed to take him to her over Labor Day but suddenly she stopped emailing.....maybe I shared too much (moi?!) about his sock eating habits.

Sadly, we lost our two eldest last fall, Bismarck the racing dachshund was 17 and Tounces the Driving Cat (well, he liked to lay on the car) was 18.  They had good long lives and certainly enriched ours.  Spanky the Chihuahua is now 12 and Lily our little dachshund is now 11 and she's still in command of the household.   Shoot, we're all old at our house....Eugene turned 56 last month and I'll hit the double nickel in January.  Yes, we're both eligible to retire....but what would we have to gripe about if we didn't work?  We'll both have hit 30 years with OU in Fall of 2010, maybe then it will be time.

In August, Anika Cole-Carr (she handled all our non-traditional students) left OU for ATI in Oklahoma City.  So, I'm covering that area until her replacement is selected & trained....I had time on my hands because old people don't sleep much.   Brad is still shepherding the Banner project (we're 75% finished, the Bursar converts in December).  The egg business has changed a little....he's phasing out his chicken operation & has  a group of farmers who keep the chickens and supply the eggs.   He operates the 'clearinghouse' that packages  & delivers to the end customers.    Yep, he's the middleman scraping the cream, er, yolk, off the top.    Caryn is still commuting every day from Lawton (how DOES she DO that?!) and keeping us entertained with stories of her kids (both in college now) & her Pomeranian. Of course, I like the dog stories best.

And, yes, I have a joke, I'll send it separately.  I think the rain has died down, time to go home.

Pam McConahay
Associate Director, University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
pmcconahay at ou.edu
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Remember this?  April 23, 2008:
Yes, there is ANOTHER dog.  On October 27, a Saturday that shall live in infamy, a large (100 lb) German Shepherd mix neutered male (black with tan mask) wandered into our yard and met Eugene.  And, he looks exactly like our old dog Leroy (who lived to be 17 and died about 10 years ago).  So, Eugene took him in.  We ran ads in the lost & found, put up posters, walked him all over the neighborhood.  We refuse to give him a name because if we do, that means we're keeping him.  Several people have informed me that I do HAVE another dog and his name is BigDog.  And, now he has a nametag with BigDog on it and our phone #, so maybe they're right.

He's well mannered, well trained, sweet, good with kids and smart as a whip....all the things that dogs we raise never are.  BigDog has only barked once in the approx 6 months he's been with us (he does like to howl with sirens, though).   Last week, the neighbor's parents came to visit with their large birddog that barks and barks and barks at us.  He ran up to BigDog at the fence and barked/barked/barked and BigDog just looked at him.....finally BigDog gave him big "WOOF", kind of a "shut-UP!" and turned around and ignored him.  We really do need to find him a good home though...he's just too big for our house and our yard isn't fenced, and he likes to eat my socks and I'm starting to run low on them.  So, if you're interested, and you have plenty of socks, let me know.

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