[Oasfaa] FW: [SWASFAA Team Chatter] Mid-Level registration

Schmerer, Mendy M. (HSC) Mendy-Schmerer at ouhsc.edu
Mon Apr 13 08:58:06 CDT 2015

I hope everyone who was able to attend the OASFAA conference had a wonderful, productive time.  For those of you who couldn't attend, I hope you can join us at the annual conference next year.  We will be in Oklahoma City at the brand new Embassy Suites April 13th, 14th, and 15th, 2016.  Make sure to mark your calendars now!

And for those of you interested in an update about SWASFAA's Mid-Level Training, please see below for my latest blog post.

I hope you are all getting some much needed rain!

Mendy Schmerer, M.Ed.
Assistant Director
Office of Student Financial Aid
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
1106 N. Stonewall, Rm 301
Oklahoma City, OK  73117
(405) 271-2118, x 48817 (p)
(405) 271-5446 (f)
Mendy-Schmerer at ouhsc.edu 

 Become our fan on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/OUHSCFinancialAid 

-----Original Message-----
From: SWASFAA Team Chatter [mailto:blog at swasfaa.org] 
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 8:39 AM
To: Schmerer, Mendy M. (HSC)
Subject: [SWASFAA Team Chatter] Mid-Level registration

SWASFAA Team Chatter has posted a new item, 'Mid-Level registration'

The OASFAA conference wrapped up in Tulsa yesterday, and as I was driving home, I checked my mail--when I stopped for lunch. Not as I was driving down the turnpike, of course!  I've never been so excited to read my email in all my professional life. The current Mid-Level agenda has the committee presenting 7 topics.  And guess what?  Now all 7 of those topics will be presented by your colleagues with NASFAA credentials in those topics!  For those of you attending, that will be a $693 value if you chose to take all 7 of the credential exams! Several of us were waiting to hear the final results of our exams, and thankfully all of us received the good news in just the last 3 days.
 It was a pretty great way to end the week.

Registration has currently reached its cap of 25 participants.  However, if you are still interested, I have begun a waiting list.  Please email me directly and let me know if you would like to be on the list.  Since this is the first time in a long time that SWASFAA has hosted a Mid-Level training event, we need to be able to gauge the interest in this for our future planning.  Also when you email me, please let me know at what point you will have to know if a spot opens up for you in order to make your travel arrangements.

And for those already registered, be on the lookout from me in the next day or two about some specific details regarding our agenda.

Thank you, and have a wonderful week!

Mendy Schmerer

Mid-Level Training Chair

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