[Oasfaa] Message from our SWASFAA President

Boyd, Lori lori.boyd at okstate.edu
Wed Sep 21 12:03:22 CDT 2016

Please see below for a message from our SWASFAA President.

Good afternoon,

The 2016 Southwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SWASFAA) conference is just around the corner, November 9 - 11, in beautiful Oklahoma City, at the historic Skirvin Hotel.

Budgets are tight, so maybe joining SWASFAA isn't a possibility for this fiscal year. If that is the case, there is a non-member conference registration.  For an additional fee, a non-member  can attend the conference and participate in all the learning sessions and activities.   If you've considered becoming a SWASFAA member, but haven't done so, attending the conference, we hope will be encouragement to join in 2017.

The SWASFAA<http://www.swasfaa.org/> website contains the tentative agenda and registration information.  If you have questions about the conference, Susan Chavez, Conference Planning Chair, schavez307 at cnm.edu<mailto:schavez307 at cnm.edu>, is available to answer your questions.

Best regards,

Janell Valdez
SWASFAA President

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