[Oasfaa] Head of Household question

Jonna Raney jonna.raney at okbu.edu
Tue Jan 17 14:37:37 CST 2017

Just when you think you've heard ALL the stories possible, another one pops up.

I have a student whose dad filed head of household but has been married for 3 years. We told him he needs to amend the return and he said they are separated. We asked for copies of utility bills in wife's name showing separate address and of course, she lives with a relative and can't provide those. We asked for notarized letter stating the separation and the address in which she resides.  Meanwhile....we spoke to the student and he says they do live in the same house.

So, dad calls back today and the story changed again. NOW, they are separated but live in the house but "in separate living quarters" as each live on a separate floor of the house.  I asked if there are two kitchens separate entrances, etc and he said yes. Of course, I don't believe him but anyway.... I told him I need something from the IRS stating that his living situation allows him to file as Head of Household.

Am I missing something? He can't file HOH in this situation right?

Just another day in the crazy world of financial aid,


[Oklahoma Baptist University]
Jonna Raney

Director of Student Financial Services

Oklahoma Baptist University

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