[Oasfaa] Gainful employment

myrna cross myrna.cross at wosc.edu
Mon Aug 20 09:49:53 CDT 2018

Good Morning!

I noticed that the Dept has posted the following:

*Yesterday, August 14, 2018, the Department published in the Federal
Register <https://ifap.ed.gov/fregisters/FR081518.html> a notice of
proposed rulemaking to rescind the gainful employment (GE) regulations,
which added subpart Q of the Student Assistance General Provisions for
programs that prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized

*The Department also announces plans to update the College Scorecard, or a
similar web-based tool, to provide program-level outcomes for all higher
education programs, at all institutions that participate in the programs
authorized by title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended,
which would improve transparency and inform student enrollment decisions
through a market-based accountability system.*

*The public will have 30 days, until September 13, 2018 at 11:59 EDT, to
provide comments through www.regulations.gov <http://www.regulations.gov>.*
I don't ever remember writing in support of a proposal but I did this
morning.  This is a big burden on smaller schools with low numbers. It is
so time consuming and every year I have to pull out all my notes and
relearn what I'm suppose to do.  Even then, I am not confident I am doing
everything correctly.

I assumed everyone would be glad for GE reporting to go away but I looked
at some of the comments being submitted and there are some students (I
assume) who are writing because they are upset at some schools that they
feel mislead them.  I understand their concern but I do hope the Department
can address this another way.

If you support this proposal, please take a few minutes and send in a
comment.  Thanks!

*Myrna Cross*
*Director, Financial Aid/VA*
*Western Oklahoma State College*
*2801 N. Main*
*Altus, OK  73521*
*580-477-7716 fax*
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