[Oasfaa] FW: Event Announcement: 2019 Boot Camp for New Aid Officers, November 11, 2019

Melanie Rinehart M.Rinehart at sscok.edu
Fri Sep 20 11:21:37 CDT 2019

You are invited to the following event<http://www.swasfaa.org/event-3454756>:

2019 Boot Camp for New Aid Officers

When: November 11, 2019 12:30 PM, CST
Where: Omni Royal Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana

Will you be attending?
Not attending<https://www.swasfaa.org/Sys/Token/Process?token=eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUC0yNTYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiZHR5IjoiV2lsZEFwcmljb3QuU29jaWFsLkV2ZW50SW52aXRlTGlua0NvbnRyYWN0LFdpbGRBcHJpY290LlNvY2lhbCJ9.ZeZ9bsKekcIHj6HYGq7oqaQ42vBsVNDKFyht45_m-TADBLTqW0G82G7jdK2gV_ad6hIcVUT79-jFiJjlcRKYCWBpCpmEK9rcM9EdRppfyUIeu9M9jBS-Bs5-gNKpLlx5d0lZSwwdGemZ3WWoGMN6r8SYgr8ukqdF44mfUt76HiU.kbQVKYsKq_L7z53E.IdIbInvPD9K1x8kqGehwWesLikd1NaK-GLlUsGhreJ4MeqPaynMNNwMNVFbzBoEwLBGDErWMC1iquFiGAWijAG4DGgrlBXyJvdupNcxdTZaxik6ZsUiPIE6LH-hGlcRZyGgNbFLxmOgPxwd_uiE39HtiEbSDC-9B2o9xBTsjedkQj1r_6ND4CZAbcIwcWVgb9w-ricOWmxEZz394eYUtk98xcVAQMS3oYWMJwj9OzX9AQlclAQd3Fj33cCRZV1HP0dbfKdHz7hi4_LaiOwLbHxgJ44I8cxelnZ8CQe-RZ9N-0CP15-DKh9AxPZJt_mbdStRPx5bkuar9ltOh4CqviKOWcglhStgzd996OZzaT9rKF674Jyv--U6HeC9dlcS0Dxzs8Prj44DPx54Ruya_T28shr7U1KWw7pq3RUQR9JawEeaQQDM6ydU4P_9x_AmMmQVYitBwmbU7eNufCrV1_JjI3VeMwm3G37dP4fy274eiSt3xGiurcI55pciplh4AGp1BL-3AdbfLJuYIrotOkArIILDoLKcAwJPGdkUTO14F4zkl9Nsfna16eDlginM-wn52-ILZclByQ9Kp9ovwEz6M2YjFSvRdw2X5Cae5ZEjoS825auMN6xiepMhSfcNcCyEnPXjCoQGyCCWqZVfblWT24x1ShUL2uxotchgx2UnlPXLz_zRSdhD1ixBf2D-r5L_AqHmvEF53llbVIhNg6ZEZsBMTygqgolV_KPWyLgwqkKf-hYaBRWDcobzcY3NA0PqlIORRMVRgqA2UYHbQUk8.tOC3wNA6qd2nhIT3WVQ0aw>

Hey there fellow SWASFAA’ers!!

It’s Melanie here… one of your 2019 SWASFAA Boot Camp Committee Members and I have a BIG idea! YOU NEED TO COME TO BOOT CAMP! It won’t be the same without you!

If there is one thing I know… it is that Financial Aid is OVERWHELMING! No matter if you are new to the profession or have been through a couple of rush weeks, Financial Aid is an ever changing process of rules, regulations and policies. Your SWASFAA Boot Camp team has developed a well-rounded, comprehensive schedule of nothing but Financial Aid training just for YOU! Not only will you receive invaluable training, but you will have endless opportunities for networking AND you will be qualified to test in 10 NASFAA Credentials. Go impress your boss and ask for the opportunity to gain this invaluable knowledge!

If you are a Director, think about the return on your investment! Think about boosting someone’s morale! Think about boosting a new employee’s confidence! Where else can you send your employees for 2 days of all-encompassing training with experienced trainers where they are sure to make connections for only $275? A lot of conferences are $600-$800. Don’t wait… get them all registered today!

Just go to www.swasfaa.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.swasfaa.org&d=DwMFAg&c=VjzId-SM5S6aVB_cCGQ0d3uo9UfKByQ3sI6Audoy6dY&r=Jq3xh6v4hctMZ8-WfGI7l1KQkk2y_HMT2GFL5zfHaho&m=GWBibJEW_BnTLWAerT_4WKo-epsmzu5Lm0qEeJx4Fic&s=wFf205hOitGyttOupoYHkieuGJlk_AN2A3Y5ttpN0go&e=>, then click on Training, then on Boot Camp and then on “Register Today”. I’ve attached the agenda to this email or you can also find the agenda on the same web page. Don’t miss it… YOU… NEW ORLEANS… NOVEMBER 11 – 13. JUST DO IT!

So here are my top 5 reasons why you should attend Boot Camp:

                1) Training on a whole bunch of topics in one place

                2) A whole bunch of people you network with

                3) Some of the best trainers (that actually work in an office like you)

                4) NASFAA Credentials (they boost a resume like no other)

                5) We all want to be the best at our job that we can possibly be… so come learn how to do that!

I could go on and on about all of the positives of SWASFAA Boot Camp but I know none of us have time to read all of that! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or any of the other committee members! I’d be happy to help!


Melanie Rinehart, MBA CFAA CFEI

m.rinehart at sscok.edu<mailto:m.rinehart at sscok.edu>

Best regards,
Southwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators<https://www.swasfaa.org/>

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