[Oasfaa] PJs for Covid19?

Jonna Raney Jonna.Raney at okbu.edu
Mon Apr 6 09:36:58 CDT 2020

We received our first request for a PJ for a covid19 job loss. We are asking about unemployment and I guess if they qualify we can technically zero out wages for the job loss? My concern with that is two fold.

  1.  My understanding is that those qualifying for unemployment due to covid19 will receive 100% of their wages for 4 months. So, is that really a reduction in income?
  2.  We have an 8 week waiting period for adjustments which would be after the semester, so do we waive that requirement?

My first instinct is that we won't do adjustment for 1920, but I guess in some situations, we might?  For example, what if the family was already struggling to pay their account? Does that make a difference?  Also, OBU gave partial refunds to on campus students, so should we assist more than that?

So, has anyone made decisions as to what you will do with these PJ requests for 1920?


[Oklahoma Baptist University]
Jonna Raney

Director of Student Financial Services

Oklahoma Baptist University

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