[Oasfaa] On/Off Campus Budgets

Danielle Cox danielle.wellman at okbu.edu
Tue Jul 25 13:50:55 CDT 2023

Does anyone know if it's "acceptable" to have a combined on/off campus budget, if you have the data to back this up?

To further explain:

We currently have two primary full-time budgets, one for students living at home with parents and one that's an "on/off" budget for students living in institutional housing or living off-campus on their own.
Our budgets were set up this way long before I got to OBU, so I think there was justification to do so at some point, but I'm wanting to make sure this is still okay. The guidance is clear that we have to have various budgets for different living scenarios. When I compare our on-campus living expenses (institutionally charged room and board) it is very comparable to the average off-campus cost of living expenses (ie if I take the average apartment rent in our city times 9 months and an average food expense total for the same length of time, it comes out within dollars of our on-campus housing/meal components) - is this documentation justification enough to keep using an on/off campus budget or do you think I MUST have separate budgets for each?

I feel like I've seen other schools use a combined on/off campus budget before, but some of the recent COA guidance has me questioning it. Would love any thoughts/arguments for or against this to help me inform if we need to make a change.


Danielle Cox

Director of Student Financial Services
Student Financial Services

500 West University Street
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74804

405.585.5020 (office)

Oklahoma Baptist University exists to equip the next generation of future shapers to live all of life, all for Jesus.

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