[Oasfaa] Legislative Update: May 31, 2024

Beam, Colbi cbeam at osrhe.edu
Fri May 31 15:37:37 CDT 2024

Good afternoon,

The 59th legislative session has ended! Sine Die was yesterday, right around 5:00pm for both chambers. A number of bills were passed through the Chambers, executive nominations confirmed, and a budget was sent to the Governor this week as work concluded. Gubernatorial action on bills passed this week and the budget are all that remain to be completed. You can see the full legislative update below my signature line.

Best wishes,

Dr. Colbi Beam
Associate Vice Chancellor for State Grants and Scholarships
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
cbeam at osrhe.edu<mailto:cbeam at osrhe.edu>

The update below reflects the major legislation concerning Higher Education.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jarrett Jobe, Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations, at jjobe at osrhe.edu<mailto:jjobe at osrhe.edu>.

Legislative Report
May 31, 2024

SB1122 by Sen. Chuck Hall & Rep. Kevin Wallace: Establishes budget limits for the State Department of Education. It prohibits the department from declining, refusing to participate in or choosing not to apply for any federal grant funding that had been received by the department prior to FY2023 without joint approval from the Senate President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State Senate and the House Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 37-4 on 5/28. Passed off the House Floor 57-35 on 5/30. Sent to Governor

SB1125 by Sen. Chuck Hall & Rep. Kevin Wallace: makes general appropriations for agencies of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state.
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 31-11 on 5/28. Passed off the House Floor 80-17 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

SB1126 by Sen. Chuck Hall & Rep. Kevin Wallace: authorizes the Board of Regents for the University of Oklahoma to establish a program for the education, training, and graduation of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists within the College of Nursing at the University of Oklahoma. It requires the program to meet the standards set forth by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 39-4 on 5/28. Passed off the House Floor 90-0 on 5/30.

SB1155 by Sen. Chuck Hall & Rep. Kevin Wallace: creates the Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture Supplemental Revolving Fund for the Oklahoma Historical Society
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 28-15 on 5/28. Passed off the House Floor 68-24 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

SB1185 by Sen. Chuck Hall & Rep. Kevin Wallace: appropriates $56.25 million to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education from the Oklahoma Capital Assets Maintenance and Protection Fund to perform the duties imposed upon the regents by law. It requires $39.75 of the funds be expended for all four-year colleges and universities, except the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University, and $16.875 million for two-year institutions according to a plan submitted by the office no later than May 31, 2024, to the Senate Appropriation Committee and House Appropriations and Budget Committee chairs.
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 36-5 on 5/28. Passed off the Hosue Floor 95-0 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

HB2892 by Rep. Kevin Wallace & Sen. Chuck Hall: authorizes the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement authority to utilize $80.0 million from the Legacy Capital Financing Fund for the benefit of the University of Oklahoma to construct or expand facilities utilized in the instruction of engineering curriculum to increase capacity for research, experiential learning, and engineering collaboration spaces. It requires LCF recapitalization payment be made by the University of Oklahoma in accordance with the provisions of the Legacy Capital Financing Act.
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the House Floor 89-3 on 5/28. Passed off the Senate Floor 38-6 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

HB2894 by Rep. Kevin Wallace & Sen. Chuck Hall: authorizes the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement authority to utilize $30.0 million from the Legacy Capital Financing Fund for the benefit of Oklahoma State University Medical Authority to construct, refurbish, or expand Oklahoma State University Medical Authority facilities. It requires LCF recapitalization payment be made in accordance with the provisions of the Legacy Capital Financing Act. It permits the authority to distribute the funds in one or more tranches. It permits the authority to enter memoranda of understanding with agencies,
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the House Floor 88-2 on 5/28. Passed off the Senate Floor 43-0 on 5/30. Sent to Governor

HB2928 by Rep. Kevin Wallace & Sen. Chuck Hall: Establishes budget limits for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce.
Update: Assigned to JCAB committee. Passed off the House Floor 83-4 on 5/28. Passed off the Senate Floor 41-4 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

Agency Admin
HB1010 by Rep. Rick West & Sen. Warren Hamilton: permits any state agency, department, institution, or satellite office that is subject to the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act but is located in a county without contracted vendors to purchase necessary equipment and supplies from a local business without first obtaining a waiver from or the permission of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services' Purchasing Division.
                Update: Assigned to Senate General Government committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/26.

HB1181 by Rep. Charles McCall & Sen. Nathan Dahm: Requires any agency, political subdivision or institute of higher education to disclose all gifts of any value from a country of concern after Dec. 31, 2013.
Update: Assigned to Conference Committee on Rules committee. Conference Granted, Dahm, Pugh, Seifried, Deevers, Pemberton, Hicks

HB3113 by Rep. Tom Gann & Sen. Warren Hamilton: requires an executive officer of an agency to certify that the agency is in complete compliance with the statutory annual budget requirements and the requirement to deposit certain publications with the Publications Clearinghouse.
                Update: Assigned to Senate General Government committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

HB3285 by Rep. Kyle Hilbert & Sen. Ally Seifried: requires each state agency, board, commission, department or other state governmental entity with more than 200 employees to develop and implement a system for telephone call back if during any regular business day and during regular business hours average wait times exceed 10 minutes for telephone calls placed to the publicly listed main telephone number for such entity.
Update: Assigned to Senate General Government committee. Passed off the House Floor 82-0 on 5/28. Passed off the Senate Floor 44-0 on 5/29. Sent to Governor.

HB3586 by Rep. Daniel Pae & Sen. Jessica Garvin: provides funding to flexible benefit allowance related to the state employee health insurance.
Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/1.

HB3779 by Rep. Duel Collin & Sen. Rob Standridge: prohibits the Oklahoma Open Records Act from being used as a substitute for discovery in any civil, criminal, or administrative action.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

HB3780 by Rep. Duel Collin & Sen. Jessica Garvin: removes outdated language related to video conferencing and teleconferencing under the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/1.

HB3937 by Rep. Melissa Provenzano & Sen. George Burns: Removes the references to Covid-19 allotments in the Open Meetings Act.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary committee. Sigend by Governor Stitt on 4/17.

HJR1035 by Rep. Dick Lowe & Sen. Darrell Weaver: approves the proposed fee schedule for the maximum workers' compensation rates paid to medical providers as updated by the Workers' Compensation Commission.
Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/8.

SB1200 by Sen. Blake Stephens & Rep. Charles McCall: places Oklahoma on Daylight Saving Time following Congress' passage of the federal Sunshine Protection Act
                Update: Assigned to House Rules committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/26.

SB1264 by Sen. Brenda Stanley & Rep. Nicole Miller: requires any health benefit plan including the Oklahoma Employees Insurance Plan that is offered, issued, or renewed in Oklahoma to provide coverage for clinical genetic testing for an inherited gene mutation for individuals with a personal or family history of cancer that is recommended by a health care provider and evidence-based cancer imaging for individuals with an increased risk of cancer as recommended by the NCCN clinical practice guidelines. It exempts the coverage from any annual deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance limits as established for all covered benefits under the health benefit plan.
Update: Assigned to GCCA committee. SCs named Stanley, Pemberton, Coleman, Garvin, Hamilton, Young

SB1310 by Sen. Greg McCourtney & Rep. Chris Sneed: requires the Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Board to have authority to administer and negotiate benefits plans pursuant to the Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Act
                Update: Assigned to House General Government committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

SB1334 by Sen. Ally Seifried & Rep. Josh West: creates Corinne's Law. The bill defines applicable terms. The bill requires any health benefit plan that is offered, issued, or renewed, including the Oklahoma Employees Insurance Plan, to provide coverage for medically necessary expenses relating to standard fertility preservation services when a medically necessary treatment may directly or indirectly cause iatrogenic infertility. It requires the coverage extend to covered individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer for which necessary cancer treatment may directly or indirectly cause iatrogenic infertility and who are within reproductive age.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/28

SB1452 by Sen. Nathan Dahm & Rep. Stan May: provides a tax exemption for employers that provide paid leave to an employee to volunteer as a poll worker with a county election board of $100 for each day of leave provided in the tax year. The bill requires the employer to provide documentation from the applicable county election board showing the employee volunteered, upon request of the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget committee. Signed by Governor Stott on 4/26.

SB1856 by Sen. Jack Stewart & Rep. Mike Osburn: Allows state agencies to use low performance evaluation to be used during a reduction in force plan
                Update: Assigned to House General Government committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/23

HB1955 by Rep. Charles McCall & Sen. Greg Treat: reduces the state's 4.5 percent sales tax on groceries to zero percent. It also requires counties and municipalities that increase their sales taxes to exempt food and food ingredients until June 30, 2025. The bill defines applicable terms and provides certain exemptions. It requires the Oklahoma Tax Commission to promulgate necessary rules.
                Update: Assigned to Carryover Bill committee. Signed By Governor Stitt on 2/27.

HB3234 by Rep. Mark Lawson & Sen. Grant Green: Allows CareerTech to outline eligibility criteria and requirements for individuals 21 years or older seeking to obtain a high school equivalency credential based on work experience and previous education.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

Charter Schools
SB1904 by Sen. Adam Pugh & Rep. Preston Stinson: permits a statewide virtual charter school or a school district operating a full-time virtual education program to administer to enrolled students the statewide system of student assessments in a virtual setting that best meets the educational needs of the students. It requires the school to meet certain requirements to administer the assessments. It permits the State Board of Education to promulgate necessary rules.
                Update: Assigned to House Common Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/26.

Deferred Maintenance
HB4013 by Rep. Mark McBride & Sen. Adam Pugh: Creates the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education Capital Needs Evaluation Committee, and fund. Designates membership and requires the submission of certain reports.
Update: Assigned to Senate Education and then to Appropriations committee. Conference granted, SCs named Hall, Rader, Howard, Pugh, Seifried, McCortney, Dossett

General Education
SB1229 by Sen. Micheal Bergstrom & Rep. Gerrid Kendrix: extends the sunset date for the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Board to July 1, 2027, from July 1, 2024.
                Update: Assigned to House Admin Rules committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/22.

General Government
SB1399 by Sen. Chuck Hall & Rep. Kevin Wallace: creates the Oklahoma Long-Range Capital Planning Legacy Fund. The bill requires the State Treasurer to appoint qualified investment managers to provide for the investment of the monies of the fund. The bill requires the investments be consistent with the manner in which state retirement funds are invested and that the risk of large losses be minimized by diversifying the investments in the fund, unless, under the circumstances, it is clearly prudent not to do so.
Update: Assigned to Conference committee. Passed off the House Floor 86-6 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

Graduation Requirements
SB1307 by Sen. Brenda Stanley & Rep. Anthony Moore: removes specific reasons for which a person over the age of 21 and under the age of 26 may attend school to complete the twelfth grade. It exempts from the statewide student assessments such persons and persons who are age 21 and over who have not completed the requirements for a high school diploma or general education development (GED) requirements.
                Update: Assigned to House Common Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/26.

HB3278 by Rep. Rhonda Baker & Sen. Adam Pugh: Aligns High school graduation requirements with ICAP. Increases rigor in math
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/15.

Gun Bills
SB1218 by Sen. David Bullard & Rep. Jay Steagall: prohibits a person 18 years old or older from being denied the purchase of a firearm based on his or her age unless otherwise prohibited by state law.
Update: Assigned to House State Powers committee. Passed off the House Floor 74-19 on 4/23. House amendments read.

SB1291 by Sen. Micheal Bergstrom & Rep. Justin Humphrey: permits online digital renewal of handgun licenses. It establishes requirements for renewals.
                Update: Assigned to House Public Safety committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/18.

Healthcare training
SB458 by Sen. Brenda Stanley & Rep. Marcus McEntire: allows Advanced Practice Registered Nurses recognized as Certified Nurse Practitioners or Clinical Nurse Specialists to prescribe drugs independent of physician supervision after completing a minimum of 2,000 hours of practice with supervised prescriptive authority. It allows an APRN to perform the supervision after 8,000 hours of independent prescriptive authority or if the APRN has been licensed and practicing for at least 5 years as of the effective date.
                Update: Assigned to Carryover bill. committee. Governor Vetoed

HB3328 by Rep. Cynthia Roe & Sen. Brenda Stanley: Adds a criminal history check to the applicant for an advanced practice registered nurse.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and human Services committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

SB1511 by Sen. Jessica Garvin & Rep. Marcus McEntire: Requires a nurse aide's employer to provide for a criminal history background check to be made on the nurse aide pursuant to the provisions of the Long-term Care Security Act prior to beginning employment or a contract to provide nursing care, health-related services, or supportive assistance to any individual, rather than before the employer makes an offer to employ or to contract with a nurse aide.
Update: Assigned to House Health Services & Long-Term Care committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

Higher Education
HB2989 by Rep. Josh West & Sen. Brenda Stanley: requires the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education to report noncompliance with its Advance Placement credit policy to the House and Senate education committees. It states it is It is the intent of the Legislature that in establishing the minimum required score on a College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examination for granting course credit for a particular lower division course, institutions of higher education within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education will not require a score higher than the minimum score recommended by a nonprofit higher education association that makes recommendations on college-level equivalencies.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/29.

HB3196 by Rep. Carl Newton & Sen. Darcy Jech: updates statutory references to the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Update: Assigned to Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/29.

HB3449 by Rep. Jeff Boatman & Sen. John Haste: creates in the State Treasury a revolving fund for the University Hospitals Authority and Trust to be designated the "University Hospitals Authority and Trust Behavioral Health Workforce Development Fund." It allows all monies accruing to the credit of the fund to be budgeted and expended by the University Hospitals Authority and Trust for the purpose of designing and implementing a pilot program at behavioral health facilities, the purpose of which is to provide for behavioral health workforce development and access to behavioral health professionals as provided by law.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health & Human Services Then to Senate Appropriations. committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/13.

HB3459 by Rep. Anthony Moore & Sen. Dave Rader: modifies student loan qualifications
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed to Governor Stitt on 5/1.

HB3792 by Rep. Ellyn Hefner & Sen. Ally Seifried: Creates the Oklahoma Opportunity Scholarship Act. Giving scholarship awards to students with intellectual disabilities pursuing a CTP program. These awards shall be equal to the nonguaranteed resident tuition.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/21.

HB4050 by Rep. Stan May & Sen. Dana Prieto: exempts religious degrees which are used solely for religious purposes within a religious organization or any institution of higher education whose primary purpose is to provide religious training or theological education and which is exempt from taxation
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stit on 4/23.

SB1445 by Sen. Dave Rader & Rep. John Pfeiffer: exempts from sales tax those who have entered into a public contract with the Oklahoma State University Medical Authority, Oklahoma State University Medical Authority Trust, Oklahoma State University Veterinary Medicine Authority, and the Oklahoma State University Veterinary Medicine Trust.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations & Budget committee. Passed off the House Floor 91-0 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

SB1550 by Sen. Grant Green & Sen. Anthony Moore: Higher education; modifying the name, membership, and duties of the Oklahoma Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research Advisory Committee.
Update: Assigned to House Higher Education and Career Tech committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/26.

SB1559 by Sen. Adam Pugh & Rep. Anthony Moore: exempts colleges and universities under the authority of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education from the definition of the term "state agencies" for purposes of the state's risk management program. It permits colleges and universities to request the Risk Management Administrator to advise on the purchase of property insurance coverage but prohibits the administrator from directing the purchase of property insurance from a specific entity.
                Update: Assigned to House General Government committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/22.

SB1592 by Sen. John Haste & Rep. Anthony Moore: modifies the membership requirements for the Board of Trustees for Oklahoma State University/Tulsa.
Update: Assigned to House Higher Education and Career Tech committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/30.

SB1624 by Sen. Ally Seifried & Rep. Mark Vancurren: requires eligible programs of training for tuition aid grants include comprehensive transition and postsecondary programs approved by the United States Department of Education.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations & Budget committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/30.

Higher Education/Student Athlete
SB1786 by Sen. Kristen Thompson & Rep. Chris Kannady: modifies requirements for certain contracts and compensation provided in the Student Athlete Name, Image and Likeness Rights Act.
Update: Assigned to House Higher Education and Career Tech committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/22.

SB1787 by Sen. Kristen Thompson & Rep. Chris Kannady: allows public educational institutions and their employees to keep confidential any contract for use of a student athlete's name, image, or likeness disclosed to a postsecondary institution pursuant to the Student Athlete Name, Image and Likeness Rights Act, except as otherwise provided.
                Update: Assigned to House General Government committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/22.

HB3600 by Rep. Brian Hill & Sen. Kristen Thompson: Repeals statutes related to the Oklahoma Science and Technology Research and Development Act.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/26.

Oklahoma's Promise
SB1302 by Sen. Dave Rader & Rep. Anthony Moore: Deletes certain metrics required for Oklahoma's Promise qualification to better match DHS graduation requirements. Provides Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program eligibility for students placed in the custody of the Department of Human Services during certain time periods.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations & Budget committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/3.

SB1328 by Sen. Todd Gollihare & Rep. Mark Vancuren: Adds completion of core curriculum and seeking admission to a CareerTech to the optional qualifications to the Oklahoma's Promise requirements
Update: Assigned to GCCA committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 41-2 on 5/29. Passed off the House Floor 91-0 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

HB3961 by Rep. Jon Echols & Sen. Chuck Hall: Adds the following definition for Rural Internet Service Provider means a lawfully recognized business entity offering internet services on a subscription basis if the majority of the subscribers reside in a rural census tract as defined pursuant to the laws governing the preparation of the United States Census
                Update: Assigned to GCCA committee. SCs named Hall, Rader, Howard, Daniels, Stanley, Kirt

HB4068 by Rep. Kevin Wallace & Sen. Chuck Hall: Creates the Broadband Administrative Expenses Revolving Fund for the purposes of funding administrative costs and needs that are otherwise disallowed by or not covered by federal grants.
Update: Assigned to Senate Energy & Telecommunications then to Senate Appropriations committee. Senate Amendments Rejected.

SB1259 by Sen. Roger Thompson & Rep. Kevin Wallace: eliminates the 2023 sunset date for the rebates for a sales tax exemption on qualifying broadband equipment. It removes the termination date for a report of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and the Oklahoma Broadband Office that identifies the qualifying rural broadband projects completed with the equipment purchased together with the location of the equipment and the geographic areas served as a result of the equipment purchases, including the total number of potential new customers receiving qualifying broadband services resulting from the project and makes it ongoing.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget. committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/3.

HB1795 by Rep. Mike Osburn & Sen. Kristen Thompson: creates The Sergeant CJ Nelson Legacy Act. It provides that within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education no fees nor room and board will be charged to: children of Oklahoma peace officers who have given their lives in the line of duty; children of Oklahoma firefighters who have given their lives in the line of duty; children of commissioned members of the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System, who have given their lives in the line of duty; and children of Oklahoma emergency medical technicians who have given their lives in the line of duty.
Update: Assigned to GCCA committee. Passed off the House Floor 92-0 on 5/29. Passed onn the Senate Floor 42-1 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

SB11 by Sen. Dave Rader & Rep. Daniel Pae: expands tuition aid grant eligibility to those who are incarcerated.
                Update: Assigned to Carryover committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/23

SB1339 by Sen. Ally Seifried & Sen. Kristen Thompson: creates the OklahomaAccess Achievement Act. It defines applicable terms. It provides that the purpose of the program is to provide an award to eligible students with intellectual disabilities who are pursuing studies at a CTP program. It requires the award to be an amount equal to the nonguaranteed resident tuition at an institution of higher education or the tuition at a technology center school. It provides eligibility criteria.
Update: Assigned to Conference committee. SCs named Seifried, Pugh, Green, Deevers, Paxton, Pemberton, Hicks

Teacher Training and Retention
HB2260 by Rep. Danny Sterling & Sen. Kay Floyd: allows civil settlements to affect teacher employment.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 3/26

HB3276 by Rep. Rhonda Baker & Sen. Bill Coleman: Allows CareerTech Board to grant an exception to the requirement to complete a subject area examination for a field which does not require an advanced degree if the candidate has industry-recognized credentials
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

HB3523 by Rep. Mark Vancuren & Sen. Brenda Stanley: Requires an annual report on the status of adjunct teachers
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/29.

HB1553 by Rep. Anthony Moore & Sen. Dewayne Pemberton: Increases the staff size for the Teachers Retirement System.
Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance committee. Vetoed by Governor Stitt on 4/29.

SB1432 by Sen. Brent Howard & Rep. Chris Kannady: creates a new process by which funds are transferred from the Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund to CareerTech, the School Consolidation Assistance Fund, and the Teachers' Retirement System Dedicated Revenue Revolving Fund. It requires each fund to receive a transfer on or before the ninth day of each quarter. It requires the executive director of the Lottery Commission to report revenues and expenses annually instead of quarterly.
Update: Assigned to Conference committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 44-0 on 5/30. Passed off the House Floor 84-1 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

Workforce Economic Development
HB3252 by Rep. Steve Bashore & Sen. Kristen Thompson: modifies the statement of needs and mission statement of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce.
Update: Assigned to Senate Business & Commerce committee. Passed off the House Floor 92-2 on 5/29. Passed off the Senate Floor 35-9 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

HB3274 by Rep. Rhonda Baker & Sen. Adam Pugh: adds optional career-readiness and armed services assessments for certain students and requires such assessments to be administered at no cost to students.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education committee. Vetoed by Governor Stitt on 5/15.

HB3595 by Rep. Brian Hill & Sen. Jerry Alvord: requires the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission to maintain, or work with another public entity to maintain, an online jobs center that allows employers in Oklahoma to post job openings, to include job description, necessary qualifications, expected hours of work, and estimated compensation package for each job.
Update: Assigned to Senate Business and Commerce committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 5/15.

HB3596 by Rep. Brian Hill & Sen. Lonnie Paxton: modifies and repeals various provisions of the Employment Security Act of 1980.
Update: Assigned to Senate Business and Commerce committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

HB3597 by Rep. Brian Hill & Sen. Lonnie Paxton: modifies coordination of the Governor's Council for Workforce and Economic Development.
Update: Assigned to Senate Business & Commerce committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/23.

HB4019 by Rep. Mark McBride & Sen. Jerry Alvord: Creates the Commerce Manufacturing Activity Development Fund an investment rebate program for the cost of qualified capital expenditures
Update: Assigned to Senate Finance committee. SCs named Alvord, Rader, Howard, Daniels, Rosino, Kirt

SB1447 by Sen. Kristen Thompson & Rep. Mike Osburn: Creates the Creating Oklahoma's Modern Plan for Economic Transformation and Effectiveness (COMPETE) Act. The bill states legislative findings. The bill defines applicable terms. The bill creates the Oklahoma Office of Economic Development, Growth, and Expansion to serve as the state's lead economic development agency. It requires the office be empowered to strategically drive opportunities for economic growth and diversification across the state; collaborate across local, regional, and state entities; coordinate the funding and investment activities of each element of the state's economic development efforts and marketing campaigns to achieve better results for the state's recruitment and retention of businesses; and act as the principal point of contact regarding investment in this state for public officials, businesses, and the public.
Update: Assigned to GCCA committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 35-8 on 5/29. Passed off the House Floor 52-38 on 5/30. Sent to Governor.

SB1572 by Sen. Julie Daniels & Rep. Lonnie Sims: changes the term "student electrical intern" to "student apprentice" in the Electrical License Act and updates subsequent references. The bill requires the apprentice be employed with an active licensed electrical contractor, in addition to other requirements.
Update: Assigned to House Business & Commerce committee. Passed off the Senate Floor 25-11 on 5/22. Sent to Governor.

SB2008 by Sen. Dave Rader & Rep. Toni Hasenbeck: Requires entities that received REAP funding to develop a plan to measure the qualitative effects of projects funded through the Rural Economic Action Plan of 1996
Update: Assigned to House Rural Development committee. SCs named Rader, Kidd, Hall, Hamilton, Jech, Paxton, Young

SB2017 by Sen. Dave Rader & Rep. Lonnie Sims: Requires Enterprise Zone entities receiving payments to annually report to the Department of commerce all employment resulting from the project or facility relocation/expansion, capitol investment amounts and changes in the assessed value of property.
                Update: Assigned to House Business & Commerce committee. Signed by Governor Stitt on 4/26.

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