[Oasfaa] Good News for OCU.....Sad News for OU

Mc Conahay, Pamela K pmcconahay at ou.edu
Fri Oct 19 18:28:54 CDT 2001

Yes, it's really true, Molly Roberts is going to be the new director at
OCU!  We at OU just wanted to take some time to make sure you all know how 
lucky OCU is get her.   And, HOW MUCH OU WILL MISS HER!!!!!

Molly is "retiring" from OU on Friday, November 2 and taking a well deserved

vacation (well, OK, the WHOLE WEEKEND) before starting her 
new career with OCU on Monday, November 5.  We know the OCU staff 
and students will be in very good hands and Molly will have an opportunity 
to really shine in this new position.  

Molly has been with OU Financial Aid Services for over 20 years, and has
spearheaded and shepherded us through more change than I care to think
We've gone from antique CRTs and a whole lotta paper to a place that 
I couldn't even have imagined when I started here 17 years ago.  

All those neat things we brag about that we have at OU to help us help
students?  By and large, 
those were MOLLY's ideas and HER direction & effort that put them into
place.  She built the car, we just get to drive 
around & wave while she makes us look good.  Yes, we still have a lotta
paper,  but not for lack of Molly trying to get rid of it!   
BUT, we swear, as OASFAA is our witness, we WILL have document imaging up &
running before Adam, 
her 7 month old grandson, enrolls at OU!   

So, at OASFAA this week, we hope you'll all take the opportunity to meet
Molly if you don't
know her, and congratulate her on her new opportunity.  We're awfully proud
to have her as a colleague if
not a co-worker, we wish her well, and we'll REALLY MISS HER!!!!!   


Pam McConahay
Asst Dir., Compliance & Support Svcs
University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
pmcconahay at ou.edu 

P.S.  I know what you're all thinking:  "Shouldn't Matt Hamilton have
written this? What's up with that?" You are all
such a bunch of gossipy nosy parkers.  I should know....I'm the worst of the

Well, yeah, I suppose, technically Matt should have,  if you're hung up on
protocol & stuff like that.  
But, when he talked about it, I really wanted to do it, so he let me (I'm
lying...I beat him unmercifully until he gave in).   Besides,  I think he
figured I'd do it anyway even if he said no. AND, I'd have been funnier than
him. He's right on both counts.   

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