[Oasfaa] Ability-to-Benefit tests/recertification

Bill Brindle BrindleB at Bacone.Edu
Tue Nov 26 09:59:53 CST 2002

Dear colleagues, 

We have a situation in which we need some clarification.  If a student takes
an ATB test and meets the minimum requirements, is there a maximum length of
time in which the student is eligible for aid or is it indefinite?  I have
heard that the student is eligible for 1 calendar year only and then must
have HS diploma or GED to keep eligibility.  

Thanks in advance for all responses

William M. Brindle
William M. Brindle
Co-Director of Financial Aid
Bacone College
(918) 683-4581 ext. 7298
(918) 781-74 16  fax

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