[Okgrantsmanship] FW: Update to my list of 2-year schools with IRBs

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Apr 2 10:46:55 CDT 2008


From: Council for Undergraduate Research Subscription List
[mailto:CURL-L at kookaburra1.jmu.edu] On Behalf Of Wayne Glass
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 10:33 AM
To: CURL-L at kookaburra1.JMU.EDU
Subject: Update to my list of 2-year schools with IRBs


Hello again!

I decided to expand my survey of non-research institutions that have or
are considering an IRB.  You may recall that I asked for responses from
only 2-year schools last time.  Now, I'd like to expand my inquiry to
4-year predominantly undergraduate institutions.  If you are a 4-year
PUI, could you please respond to the following questions?  I'll post a
tabulation of the results of the survey on the listserv when it is

1. Is your institution a 4-year, predominantly undergraduate institution
(Hopefully, you know who you are!)?


2. If Yes in #1, do you have an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

3. If Yes in #2, when was it formed (year is fine)?


4. If No in #2, are you considering, or in process of, forming an IRB?


Pretty simple, huh?  Thank you in advance for your response!


Wayne Glass, CRA

Director of Grants

Schoolcraft College 

VisTaTech Center 406

18600 Haggerty Road

Livonia, MI 48152-2696

Voice: 734-462-4619

Fax: 734-462-4805

wglass at schoolcraft.edu


External grant applications are subject to the necessary internal
approvals of Schoolcraft College.  Grant concept and development should
be coordinated with the appropriate supervising administrator.  Further
information on any external grant opportunity, and assistance in
preparing and writing an application for grant funds, can be obtained
from the Grants Office.

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