[Okgrantsmanship] Occupational Stressors and University Research Administrators

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Apr 11 11:22:35 CDT 2008


Dear Colleague,


University research administrators fulfill a specific role within higher
education administration and teaching hospitals.  In the Fall/Winter
2006 volume of NCURA's Research Management Review the results of the
2007 Research Administrator Stress Perception Survey were published
(Shambrook, 2007).  The study found that research administrators
perceived high levels of stress, had health effects, and reported
various coping mechanisms.  


As part of my doctoral study in Education at American University and
both as a university research administrator and active member of NCURA,
I wish to learn more about the potential stressors experienced by those
within our field.  Keeping in mind that stress may have either a
negative or positive impact on an individual employee, my study is
designed to determine the incidence and types of occupational stressors
associated among university research administrators.


To that end, I am inviting you to anonymously participate in the
Occupational Roles Questionnaire (ORQ) via Surveymonkey.  You have been
selected at random from the membership of NCURA.  The website is private
and by invitation only.  It will not collect your IP address, nor will
it retain your e-mail or any other identifying information.  The ORQ
itself takes an estimated 10 minutes and it will take an additional 3
minutes to complete the seven university research administrator
characteristics items.  The results collected will be studied in
aggregate as opposed to individually.  When my study is complete I plan
to share the results with the NCURA membership as well as complete my
dissertation.  Thank you in advance for your participation. 


Link to survey: (Either click link or paste into your browser to connect
to the survey.)










Christine Katsapis, Director

Gallaudet University Office of Sponsored Programs

NCURA member since 1996, LDI Class of 2005




Shambrook, J. (2007). Results from the 2007 research administrator
stress perception survey. Research Management Review, 15(2), 12.

Osipow, S. H. (1998). Occupational stress inventory revised edition
(OSI-R): Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

Christine C. A. Katsapis, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
Gallaudet University
800 Florida Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002-3695
202-651-5945 (v/tty) 202-651-5792 (fax) 

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