[Okgrantsmanship] FW: [ncurapui] Revised F&A Distribution Chart

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 25 11:52:05 CDT 2008

See if the attachment is available. It is an updated list of F&A
distribution plans.


From: bkoenig at stkate.edu [mailto:bkoenig at stkate.edu] 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 6:29 PM
To: PUI Neighborhood
Cc: baumannj at umkc.edu; valerie_cheeseman at mail.com;
kmingo at willamette.edu; kklatt at clarkson.edu; sheila.manchester at furman.edu
Subject: [ncurapui] Revised F&A Distribution Chart

Greetings NCURA and CLASP PUI folks (and a few others who may or may not
be on the other lists), 

On Feb. 28, 2008 I sent out an e-mail asking if people were interested
in updating some info on their F&A Distribution policies.  So many of
you responded that it took me a little longer than I had anticipated in
getting this chart back to everyone. 

Thanks to all who responded and for those who began collecting this info
in other forms (you are referenced in the spreadsheet).  Any blank cells
indicate that either a) there were no add'l comments or b) we didn't
receive the info from the respective school by the time I sent out this

The list is alphabetical by school and there is a "snapshot" section at
the end that highlights some figures.  A total of 76 colleges and
universities are on the list.  Since the College of St. Catherine is a
Catholic, women's college, I have noted those other insitutions who also
have religious affiliations and/or are women's colleges.  That is the
only reason for the different color text in the spreadsheet - purely
selfserving and userfriendly on my end. 

I hope this helps as you move forward with developing or re-defining
your own policies.  If I have missed anyone who would like a copy,
please feel free to forward this to them.  Also, my apologies for those
of you who might receive this more than once. 
Thanks again! 

Beth Koenig, J.D.
Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
College of St. Catherine
2004 Randolph Avenue, #4286
St. Paul, MN  55105
Phone:  651-690-8820
Fax:  651-690-8814 


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