[Okgrantsmanship] Switchgrass Research

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue May 27 15:03:29 CDT 2008

>From "Gas from Grass," an article in STATE, The Official Magazine of
Oklahoma State University, Spring 2008:


Professor Ray Huhnke and his co-researchers are refining the conversion
process. The research includes faculty from OU and BYU. The method of
refining is cheaper and more efficient than the starch-based process
used with corn because it can employ low-cost feedstocks. The process
works by fermenting the gas instead of sugars to make ethanol. Chopped
green matter is first placed in a gasifier heated to 800 degrees C,
turning the material into gases, including carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
The gases are then cleaned and cooled before being injected into a
bioreactor containing bacteria. The organisms use those gases to produce
ethanol rather than their usual product, acetic acid. OU microbiologist
Ralph Tanner is patenting organisms from the clostridium family. A
Warrenville, Ill. Company, Coskata, has licensed the bacteria with the
intention of using the process commercially. Through a pilot plant the
company will produce fuel for General Motors Corporation. Huhnke says
the resulting ethanol production costs could be less than $1.25/gallon!!


Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator for Grant Writing and External Funding

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


lmason at osrhe.edu



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