[Okgrantsmanship] 2009NCLB Grant Reviewers

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Mon Sep 8 12:06:08 CDT 2008

Reviewers are needed to read and score the 2009NCLB Improving Teacher
Quality (ITQ) subgrants. The Interested party should complete and email
the attached enrollment form with a copy of the Curriculum Vitae to
Saeed Sarani, ssarani at osrhe.edu <mailto:ssarani at osrhe.edu>  no later
than September 19, 2008.  We need higher education
faculty/administrators, K-12 teachers/administrators, and
representatives from the public sector. A diverse geographical
representation is desired. If you know of an appropriate reviewer,
please forward this solicitation.

Please note the following requirements:

*	The selected reviewers will be notified by email no later than
September 26, 2008,
*	If selected, reviewers will read and score three (3) ITQ
subgrants between October 6 to 10, 2008, 
*	All subgrants, scoring templates and other necessary documents
will be sent to the selected reviewers via email, 
*	After scoring, all completed documents must be emailed to Saeed
Sarani, ssarni at osrhe.edu <mailto:ssarni at osrhe.edu>  not later than
October 10, 2008,
*	A $150.00 honorarium will be awarded after receipt and approval
of the all required documents.  

For additional information, please checkout our website; 
<http://okhighered.org/itq/2009.shtml#overview> .  Please feel free to
let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you.


SAEED SARANI, M.S., M.B.A. | Teacher Education | Mathematics and Science
Curriculum Advisor | Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | 655
Research Parkway, Suite 200 | Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3606 |
405.225.9192 |


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