[Okgrantsmanship] FW: NCURA/EARMA Exchange Program Call for Host Institutions

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 17 09:01:04 CDT 2009

This opportunity may be of interest to you. Please respond directly to


Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator for Grant Writing and External Funding

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


lmason at osrhe.edu



From: NCURA [mailto:info at ncura.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 8:05 AM
To: Mason, Linda
Subject: NCURA/EARMA Exchange Program Call for Host Institutions




Dear Colleagues 

As you may know, NCURA and our colleagues at the European Association of
Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) have been collaborating for
the past 18 months to develop an exchange program for research

Program objectives of the NCURA/EARMA International Research Management
Fellowship Program are to develop, nurture, and support a mutual
exchange fellowship to advance the training of research administrators
and managers and their understanding of international research

After a preliminary survey to our membership last year showed high
support for such a program, NCURA formed a Working Group to begin the
implementation of the program. Our first step is a BETA test of the
Exchange Program and, to do so, we are sending out a Call of Interest
for Host Institutions. 

The program is for a minimum of two weeks and may take place at any time
between June and September 2009. Institutions who wish to serve as hosts
will need to provide: 

*	One designated staff member to act as host and who will be the
main point of contact at the institution. 
*	A desk space and appropriate equipment (PC, network access,
printing access, etc.) 
*	A structured program that engages the Fellow and enables them to
learn about U.S. research administration. 
*	Cultural exchange and networking opportunities 
*	Meetings with appropriate staff, and agreed time to reflect on
mutual learning 
*	Advice on housing/hotel accommodation options and local
information regarding travel, shopping, etc. 
*	A written evaluation of the Fellowship visit and the mutual
learning outcomes for both Host and Fellow. 

If your institution would like to serve as a Host Institution for this
program, please send a letter of interest to NCURAexchange at ncura.edu
with a description of your institution such as: the size, types of
programs and research scope. Your letter should indicate if your
institution is able to provide work space, internet access, and help
with finding housing options, and also include an outline of potential
educational experiences to be provided to fellow. The letter must be
signed by the Director of the Sponsored Programs Office or other
designated signatory for the institution. Letters of interest must be
received by April 6, 2009.

Questions may be directed to Kathleen Larmett, NCURA Executive Director
at larmett at ncura.edu or call the NCURA office at 202-466-3894.

As our institutions continue to expand their international research
endeavors, we believe giving members the opportunity to learn first-hand
from our European colleagues the necessary components for successful
collaboration is extremely important and we are pleased to begin this
exciting new program. 


NCURA Working Group on NCURA/EARMA International Research Management
Fellowship Program

Denise Wallen, University of New Mexico, Chair

Tomas Alvarez, University of Arizona 

John Carfora, Loyola Marymount University

Sharon DeMarse, Georgetown University Medical Center

Delia Gallinaro, Sam Houston State University

Kathy Grzech, University of Kentucky

Gil Harootunian, McDaniel College

Kathleen Larmett, NCURA

Gunta Liders, University of Rochester

David Mayo, California Institute of Technology

David McGinnis, Montana State University-Billings

Marita Melaugh, Georgia Institute of Technology

Stephanie Sandrock, Arizona State University

Sinh Simmons, University of Washington

Andre Walker, University of Chicago

Tom Wilson, Rush University Medical Center

(c) 2009 National Council of University Research Administrators
1225 19th Street, NW, Suite 850 Washington DC 20036 
Phone: (202) 466-3894 - Fax: (202) 223-5573
Email: info at ncura.edu <mailto:info at ncura.edu>  - Web:
http://www.ncura.edu <http://www.ncura.edu> 


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