[Okgrantsmanship] OSU Job Opening - Technical Instructional Developer

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Mon May 11 10:23:47 CDT 2009

Hi my fellow ODLA'ers,


OSU has a job opening that might be of interest to some of you.

I wouldn't have bothered the ODLA group with this, except I know a lot
of you know some people that might be right for this position and who
this position might help in these tough economic times.  

The pay range is : $2,465 to $4,240 mo.


OSU's ITLE is looking for a very technically gifted Instructional

We need someone with expertise in streaming media, multimedia, and
online learning technologies.

This person will be using everything from webcams, to Camtasia, to Flash
videos, to wikis, to videoconferencing.

The sky is the limit, and keeping up with the rapidly developing
multiple flavors of instructional technology is essential.

If you know anyone with awesome multimedia and computer skills please
send them here:




And click on search listings

Then type in 05360 in the Requisition/Listing Number search field.





PS:  My humblest of apologies to those of you to whom this didn't apply.
(I hate spam too, so please forgive me if this is the case) 



Oklahoma State University Institute For Teaching And Learning Excellence



Wade Price
Manager, Instructional Technology

OSU-ITLE <http://itle.okstate.edu/> 

OSU-ITLE <http://itle.okstate.edu/> 
100 Telecom Center
Stillwater, Ok. 74078


wade.price at okstate.edu






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