[Okgrantsmanship] USDOL ETA Searching for Reviewers for Grant Applications

Melissa Howe mhowe at usao.edu
Wed Nov 25 17:28:48 CST 2009

Do you know if we get paid to do the review and if they would send 
packets to the reviewers or do we travel to them?

Thanks, Melissa

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mason, Linda" <lmason at osrhe.edu>
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 4:34 pm
Subject: [Okgrantsmanship] USDOL ETA Searching for Reviewers for Grant 
To: Oklahoma regional university administrators and faculty about
	grantsmanship <okgrantsmanship at lists.onenet.net>

> Linda Mason, Ed.D.
> Coordinator for Grant Writing and External Funding
> Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
> 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
> Oklahoma City, OK 73104
> 405-225-9486
> lmason at osrhe.edu
> IP:
> ________________________________
> From: national-bounces at lists.stemequitypipeline.org
> [mailto:national-bounces at lists.stemequitypipeline.org] On Behalf 
> Of Greg
> Nagy
> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:03 AM
> To: National STEM Equity Pipeline
> Subject: USDOL ETA Searching for Reviewers for Grant Applications
> tic_hdr5.jpg> 
> The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity
> News from Washington
> U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
> is seeking reviewers of Grant Applications (SGAs) under the American
> Recovery and Reinvestment Act 
> In June and July of 2009,  the U.S. Department of Labor Employment 
> Training Administration (ETA) announced six competitions that 
> focus on
> preparing workers for careers in the energy efficiency and renewable
> energy industries, health care and other high growth and emerging
> industries. 
> ETA is currently seeking individuals to serve as reviewers of
> applications for the remaining Solicitations for Grant Applications
> (SGAs) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery 
> with these particular areas of expertise:
> *	Public Workforce Investment System 
> *	Labor Market Information and Research 
> *	Community College Education 
> *	Apprenticeship Programs 
> *	Career Pathways, Clusters, and Competency Models 
> *	Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Industries and Related
> Industries 
> *	Health Care Industry 
> *	Sector Strategy Development and Implementation 
> *	Workforce Training and Skills Development 
> *	Faith and Community Based Organizations Serving Targeted
> Populations
> ETA is seeking a diverse pool of expertise from, the workforce 
> community colleges and other higher education institutions, community
> and faith based organizations, business and industry partners, and 
> otherrelated organizations to review and score these applications 
> along with
> ETA staff. 
> The resumes will be kept on file for future ETA competitions unless
> otherwise directed by applicants. Our hope is that the diversity 
> of our
> readers will assist us in continuing to award the highest quality
> grants. 
> For more information and how to get involved click this link.
> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?
> 3mgC4RX1j8c2fiy0eu3GzsryO3NA0_k-j0YtMfqb0gsKUWe_kIwAMUWMK_QxTu3-
> 9ES6TxO-SfTALg7e38P68SfUc2m> 
> Information Courtesy of the office of ETA Assistant Secretary Jane 
> Oates
> ?a=1102849012511> Brought to you by the National Alliance for
> Partnerships in Equity
> www.napequity.org
> <http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?
> Ll0DCPSOLNm08YA33OSKxUgiQ45OFqNrI9ZehdoPA24mmi1r0Hj-
> YsLxAmeQf4bPjX6f3zlFBgmmm89qUShYJacQcWzf0GBtg==> 
> nape at napequity.org
> 610.593.8038
> This e-mail was sent to members of the National STEM Equity Pipeline
> e-mail list.  If you want to unsubscribe from this list, please 
> forwardthis e-mail to nagy.8 at osu.edu and put the word 
> 'unsubscribe' in the
> subject line.
> National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity | 3157 Limestone Road 
> | PO
> Box 369 | Cochranville | PA | 19330
> <http://rs6.net/on.jsp?
> tp://ui.constantcontact.com/images1/s.gif> 

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