[Okgrantsmanship] Doctoral Dissertation Assistance - Survey

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Aug 24 09:21:06 CDT 2011

A dissertation on leadership in research administration. 


Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator of Grant Writing Assistance

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


405-225-9230 FAX

lmason at osrhe.edu



From: Sablatura, Martha [mailto:mtsablatura at lake.ollusa.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 7:22 AM
To: lisbeth.wesley-furke at purchase.edu; lischwst at slu.edu; lisi at hartford.edu; little at tarleton.edu; littlej at georgetown.edu; littmanj at stjohns.edu; liz.metzger at indstate.edu; ljames2 at ggc.edu; ljamj at erols.com; ljconnelly at mcb.harvard.edu; ljlewis at bu.edu; LJMiller at kent.edu; ljohnson at atu.edu; ljoiner at fa.ua.edu; ljuanita at vcu.edu; ljwalls at alaska.edu; lkam at santafe.edu; lkbutle at ccmckids.org; lkessel at emory.edu; lkforman at rci.rutgers.edu; lkiley at bu.edu; lkirk at fgcu.edu; lkirkl2 at emory.edu; lkoch at carrollu.edu; lkramer at wsu.edu; lkrhoade at uillinois.edu; lkuhn2 at naz.edu; lkunkle at clemson.edu; lkv5c at virginia.edu; llablanc at ku.edu; llawler at bcm.tmc.edu; llcummings at uab.edu; llearned at uiuc.edu; lletbett at kennesaw.edu; llindley at uchicago.edu; llipkind at partners.org; llland01 at louisville.edu; lloose at salud.unm.edu; lloydc at georgetown.edu; llparlee at bu.edu; llundy at lsu.edu; llw13 at psu.edu; llwade2 at central.uh.edu; llwang at fas.harvard.edu; lm454 at coumbia.edu; lmagrude at vt.edu; LMakmura at hei.org; lmarston at spfldcol.edu; Mason, Linda; lmattre at clemson.edu
Subject: Doctoral Dissertation Assistance - Survey




My name is Martha Treviño Sablatura, a Doctoral Candidate at Our Lady of the

Lake University in San Antonio, Texas, USA.


You are receiving this e-mail because you are either a member of the (NCURA) National Association of University Research Administrators or the (EARMA) European Association of Research Managers and Administrators. 


I am requesting your assistance to complete my doctoral dissertation and comparative research study involving the Cultural perspectives of leadership between Research Administrators in the United States and Europe. 


The following link will provide a standard research consent form to help you decide whether or not to take part in this study.


https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VWTW8WW <https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VWTW8WW>  


I realize your time is valuable. You are able to complete this questionnaire in sections as answers are saved and you can pick up where you left off.

If you have problems with the link, please contact me at mtsablatura at lake.ollusa.edu <mailto:mtsablatura at lake.ollusa.edu> . 

Thank you for helping me complete this important part of my research study.


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