[Okgrantsmanship] MUSIC Entrepreneurship Grant

Melissa Howe mhowe at usao.edu
Fri Feb 11 08:39:36 CST 2011

Hi Linda,


I read through this. Sounds like a great project. Your email said it is just
for higher education, but I think it could be used by anyone that is a
musician. I will pass this on to the music department and others I know in
the music profession.


Thanks for the information.


  Melissa L. Howe, M.H.R.

  Director of Annual Giving and Facilitator of Grants

  University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

  1727 West Alabama, Troutt Hall Rm. 110

  Chickasha, Oklahoma  73018

  (405) 574-1393 Office

  (580) 318-6768

   mhowe at usao.edu





From: okgrantsmanship-bounces at lists.onenet.net
[mailto:okgrantsmanship-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Mason, Linda
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 5:23 PM
To: okgrantsmanship at lists.onenet.net; Anderson, James; Anna Royer; Beth
Schumate; Birdine, Dr. Phil; Britton, Terry; Cantrell, Karen; Debbie
McIntyre; Deborah Cummings; Deborah Morgan; Devane, Dr. Larry F.; Edwards,
Dr. Larry; Fahnestock, Bethene; Hale, Dr. Jeff; Harris, Kay; Hays, Mark; Joe
Swalwell; Klabenes, Dr. Robert; Linda.Avant at okstate.edu; McKeon, Tom Dr.;
Neitzel, Allan; Nero, Dr. Donnie L.; cogginsp at redlandscc.edu; Poole, Thomas;
Priscilla Washington; Sechrist, Dr. Paul W.; Smith, Dr. Stephen; Utterback,
Dr. James; Waldron, Susan A; Webb, Brandon
Subject: [Okgrantsmanship] MUSIC Entrepreneurship Grant


Please forward this to the music department or person at your school. It is
a fundraising program for music in higher education. 


You Be the VC 10.2
Web: www.pledgemusic.com
Twitter: PledgeMusic
Facebook: PledgeMusic


Business Idea: Provide musicians a platform to reach out to their fan base
to financially contribute to upcoming recordings or other musical projects.


Pitch: Musicians often have creative ideas for recordings or similar
projects but can't raise the money to move forward.  When their fans hear
that they've passed on an album or a creative new approach to offering their
music, they often react by saying or thinking to themselves "Man-I wish
there had been a way that I could have helped." 


Now there is.  Pledgemusic is a Kickstarter type Web site that allows
musicians to design fundraising campaigns to raise money for their next
projects.  Each fundraising campaign is accompanied by a video pitch from
the artist, explaining the project they have in mind.  The page for the
campaign includes a running tally of the amount of money that's been raised
and how much is needed to complete the campaign. A campaign must reach its
goal before any money is collected.  In exchange for their contributions,
the artists provide pledgers gifts or amenities rather than any ownership
interest in the initiative.  Gifts vary based on the amount of the pledge.
For example, in early 2011 a campaign was launched by the Monarchs, an
alternative-rock and blues-rock band, to produce their first album.  The
video appeal was made by Celeste Griffin, the band's folksy lead vocalist.
The following is a sample of the amenities or prizes the band offered its
pledgers, based on the amount of their pledge: $10-project download;
$30-signed CD; $100-two backstage passes; $250-your name in album credits;
$750-day in recording studio; $1,000-write a song for you.  In the written
appeal, Celeste explained that the band planned to record its first album in
July 2011 under the supervision of Mike McCarthy, the producer of artists
such as Spoon and Patty Griffin.  Celeste emphasized how much she's grown as
an artist, and how much the ability to cut an album would mean to the band
and its future.  She also mentioned that the band has committed to donating
a percentage of the money raised to Laps for Cystic Fibrosis, a non-profit
organization dedicated to Cystic Fibrosis research.  Donating a portion of
the money raised from pledgers to charity is a practice that Pledgemusic
strongly encourages.


When Monarchs' campaign reached its goal, its PledgeMusic page read
"Monarchs:---it's a record!!! All pledgers will now receive exclusive
periodic updates on how the record is made and will be the first to receive
a complementary download of the album.   


For its part, Pledgemusic does not take any ownership interest in the
projects that are funded through its Web site.  It charges a flat 15% fee
for all money raised.     


Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator for Grant Writing Assistance

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City OK 73104

405-225-9486 voice

405-225-9230 fax

lmason at osrhe.edu



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