[Okgrantsmanship] Undergraduate Petascale Education Program internships

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Mar 24 08:55:00 CDT 2011


**********APPLICATION DEADLINE IS MARCH 31!!!**********




WHAT: Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Internship Program

WHO: Undergraduate students and undergraduate faculty

WHAT: Year-long internship and 2-week summer intensive tutorial workshop

WHEN: Applications due Thu March 31 2011

HOW: Apply at:





Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Internship Program




We are actively recruiting undergraduate faculty and students:


* Undergraduate faculty who would like to mentor an undergraduate

student in a year-long internship in the sciences, engineering, or

mathematics that involves teaching or researching the use of

high-performance computing in studying problems in these fields.


* Undergraduate students interested in participating in a year-long

science or engineering internship. Students must be enrolled as

undergraduates through Spring 2012 at a U.S. degree-granting





Support is provided by the NSF-funded Blue Waters Project for

sustained petascale computing to support year-long undergraduate

internship experiences involving the application of

high-performance computing to problems in the sciences,

engineering, or mathematics.


The program provides a student stipend totaling $5000, a two-week

intensive high-performance computing workshop, and travel to the

SC11 supercomputing conference in Seattle in November.


This program provides support for undergraduate internship

activities at any accredited degree granting institution in the

United States.


The internships awarded through this program may be to students

working with a faculty mentor on their home campus, or at another



Interested faculty need to create a position description through

our site, and can specify a particular student that the position

is intended for, or may select a qualified applicant with Blue

Waters support through our program.


Promotional Material:


A PowerPoint slide is available to let students know about the

program (if your browser or e-mail client appends a ".doc"

suffix to this file, you will need to remove that suffix to open

the file with PowerPoint).


In addition, poster-sized and handout-sized flyers are available

(in pdf format) to inform students and colleagues about this





Student applications and intern position descriptions from faculty

must be submitted by Thursday March 31, 2011.


Be sure to click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the web

form to be entered into our system.


Review and selection will be conducted in early April, with

notifications being made by Friday April 15.


A two-week workshop will be held Sunday May 29 - Friday June 10.


Interns are expected to work full-time over the Summer, and as

their schedule allows during the academic year. Work plans will

need to be arranged by the student and faculty mentor, and

approved by the Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Education





Through our website:




* Faculty should create descriptions of undergraduate internship

positions they have available, indicating either that the position

is intended for a particular student applicant, or that it is

open to qualified applicants.


* Eligible undergraduate students are asked to submit an

application for consideration. There is an area on the form where

students can identify a faculty member as a mentor. Students who

have taken the initiative to arrange an internship with a faculty

mentor are more likely to be selected for this program than

students that have not.


**********APPLICATION DEADLINE IS MARCH 31!!!**********


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