[Okgrantsmanship] Fwd: [Okhigheredgrants] Grant Opportunities for Oklahoma HigherEducation 1-26-12

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Jan 27 10:30:17 CST 2012

> Library:  University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK .  Position open until filled. Review of applications begins immediately.  Information and applications at: 
> https://jobs.uco.edu/
> 1) Manager of Development (Library) $45,662-$47,856
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Bonnie McNeely, Ph.D.
> Executive Director
> Chambers Library
> University of Central Oklahoma
> From: okhigheredgrants-bounces at lists.onenet.net [mailto:okhigheredgrants-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Mason, Linda
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 4:13 PM
> To: okhigheredgrants at lists.onenet.net
> Subject: [Okhigheredgrants] Grant Opportunities for Oklahoma Higher Education 1-26-12
> Grant Opportunities for Oklahoma Higher Education           1/26/12
> This announcement is a provided by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Grant Writing Assistance once or twice weekly. Grant opportunities are screened for higher education eligibility, deadline date and grouped alphabetically by topic. Add your email address to the listserve at http://lists.onenet.net/mailman/listinfo/okhigheredgrants if you wish to be added to the direct mailing list. Check out the Grant Opportunities for Oklahoma Colleges and Universities web site at http://www.okhighered.org/grant-opps/.
> Thank you!
> Linda Mason, Ed.D.
> Coordinator for Grants Writing
> Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
> 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200 OKC 73104
> 405-225-9486  800-858-1840  lmason at osrhe.edu
> February 23, 2012 – ATRC, OSU Stillwater Campus
> The Research Administration Puzzle: Making the Pieces Fit, a one day conference for Oklahoma research administrators and grant seeking faculty members.
> KeyNote Speaker: David W. Richardson, Associate VP for Research & Director of Sponsored
> Programs, The Pennsylvania State University; Past President, NCURA
> Sessions will be provided on Responsible Conduct of Research, Subrecipient Monitoring, Patents, Internal Procedures, Alliances, and Budget Preparation. 
> On-line registration by Friday, February 17, 2012, $20, late registration $30.
> Building Oklahoma’s Leadership Role in Cellulosic Bioenergy
> April 10, 2012
> OSU Stillwater – Wes Watkins Conference Center
> For more information and registration, see http://www.okepscor.org/calendar/oklahoma-epscor-annual-state-conference.
> March 10: Oklahoma City, OK - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
> March 9: Lawton, OK
>          April 13: Stillwater, OK
>      April 14: Tulsa, OK
> For more information, see http://www.artfulaskers.com/page/page/1101454.htm.
> Deadline Date – April 2, 2012
> Grant Resource – Institute of Museum and Library Services
> Category – Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services
> Description – The Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services program promotes enhanced learning and innovation within museums and museum related organizations, such as cultural centers. The program provides opportunities for Native American tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge by strengthened museum services in the following areas: - Programming: Services and activities that support the educational mission of museums and museum-related organizations - Professional development: Education or training that builds skills, knowledge, or other professional capacity for persons, either paid or volunteer, who provide or manage museum service activities - Enhancement of museum services: Support for activities that enable and improve museum services
> Size of Grant - $50,000
> Cost Sharing or Match – No 
> Web - http://www.imls.gov/applicants/detail.aspx?GrantId=17
> Deadline Date – March 8, 2012
> Grant Resource – National Endowment for the Arts
> Category – Art Works
> Description – Art Works supports the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts. 
> Size of Grant - $100,000
> Cost Sharing or Match –  
> Web- http://www.arts.gov/grants/recent/12grants/12AAE.php?CAT=ArtWorks&DIS=ArtistCommunities
> Deadline Date – May 24, 2012
> Grant Resource – National Endowment for the Arts
> Category – Challenge America Fast-Track
> Description –Challenge America Fast-Track supports projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations.
> Size of Grant- $10,000.
> Cost Sharing or Match – $1 to $1
> Web - http://www.arts.gov/grants/recent/12grants/12cham.php?disc=ChallengeAmerica
> Deadline Date – February 7, 2012
> Grant Resource – US Department of Housing and Urban Development 
> Category – Housing Counseling Training Program
> Description – Funds are available to provide, under cooperative agreements with HUD, training activities designed to improve and standardize the quality of counseling provided by housing counselors employed by “participating agencies.” Participating agencies are all housing counseling and intermediary organizations participating in HUD’s Housing Counseling Program, including HUD-approved agencies, and affiliates and branches of HUD-approved intermediaries, HUD-approved multi-state organizations, and state housing finance agencies.
> Size of Grant - $665,000
> Cost Sharing or Match – No
> Web - http://www07.grants.gov/search/search.do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=137033
> Deadline Date – January 13, 2012   
> Grant Resource – US Department of Education
> Category – Institute of Education Sciences (IES): Statewide, Longitudinal Data Systems Program
> Description – The Statewide, Longitudinal Data Systems program awards grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) to design, develop, and implement statewide, longitudinal data systems to efficiently and accurately manage, analyze, disaggregate, and use individual student data. The Department's long-term goal in operating the program is to help all States create comprehensive P-20W (early learning through workforce) systems that foster the generation and use of accurate and timely data, support analysis and informed decision-making at all levels of the education system, increase the efficiency with which data may be analyzed to support the continuous improvement of education services and outcomes, facilitate research to improve student academic achievement and close achievement gaps, support education accountability systems, and simplify the processes used by SEAs to make education data transparent through Federal and public reporting.
> Size of Grant - $5,000,000
> Cost Sharing or Match –   No
> Web - Institute of Education Sciences (IES): Statewide, Longitudinal Data Systems Program CFDA Number 84.372A; Notice reopening the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems fiscal year (FY) 2012 competition
> Deadline Date –February 1, 2012
> Grant Resource – NEA Foundation and Nickelodeon
> Category – Big Help Grants
> Description – The NEA Foundation & Nickelodeon Big Help Grants are available in the form of Student Achievement grants to K-8 public school educators. The Big Help Grants program is dedicated to the development and implementation of ideas, techniques, and approaches for addressing four key concerns – environmental awareness, health and wellness, students’ right to a quality public education, and active community involvement. The grants target these four concerns as areas of great promise in helping develop a sense of global awareness in 21st century students that will encourage and enable them to make a difference in their world. Both the NEA
> Foundation and Nickelodeon are strongly committed to supporting the development of these skills and attributes for America’s students.
> Size of Grant - $5,000
> Cost Sharing or Match –No  
> Web - http://www.neafoundation.org/pages/educators/grant-programs/nea-foundation-green-grants/
> Deadline Date –02/17/2012
> Grant Resource – Muzak Heart & Soul
> Category – Music Matters Grant
> Description –The Muzak Heart & Soul Foundation’s mission is to support music education. Through music education, a child can better achieve his/her full potential and stimulate personal and educational growth. Music Matters Grants for 2012 will focus on financial need in school and non-profit music programs throughout the United States. Grants will be awarded in April of 2012, with funds distributed by the end of 2012. Grant amounts for this cycle are up to $6,000 each and are made on an annual one-time basis.
> Size of Grant - $6000
> Cost Sharing or Match – No
> Web - http://heart.muzak.com/what/grants.aspx
> Deadline Date – December 5, 2014   
> Grant Resource – US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
> Category – Minor Use Minor Species Development of Drugs; Research Project Grant (R01)
> Description – This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and solicits Research Project (R01) grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to develop, or support the development of, new animal drugs intended for minor use in major species or intended for use in minor species. Only new animal drug products that have been designated in accordance with the provisions of section 573 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360ccc-2) and 21 CFR Part 516 are eligible for grants. FDA is authorized to provide grants for designated new animal drugs to assist in defraying the costs of qualified safety and effectiveness testing. This FOA relates to grants to assist in defraying the costs of qualified safety and effectiveness testing when a grant will either result in, or substantially contribute to, approval or conditional approval of a designated MUMS drug for a designated intended use. Applicants must include an explanation of how the proposed study will help gain product approval or conditional approval in the applications Background and Significance section. All funded studies are subject to the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 331 et seq.), regulations issued under it, and applicable Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) statutes and regulations.
> Size of Grant - $750,000
> Cost Sharing or Match – No 
> Web - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-FD-12-003.html
> Deadline Date – April 18, 2012
> Grant Resource – US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
> Category – Clinical Trials in Organ Transplantation in Children (U01) 
> Description – The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invites new and renewal applications from institutions to participate in a clinical trials (phase I, II, and III) research program with embedded mechanistic investigations to improve long-term graft acceptance and patient/graft survival in pediatric solid organ transplant recipients who have undergone thoracic and/or abdominal organ transplantation (subjects must be less than 21 years of age at the time of enrollment). In light of progress in early transplant outcomes (e.g., graft and patient survival) and lack of progress in late outcomes; studies addressing late transplant outcomes in the pediatric allograft recipient are a priority of this FOA. The Clinical Trials in Organ Transplantation in Children (CTOT-C) program will support cooperative, multi-institutional research programs conducting multi-center clinical trials (Phase I, II, or III) and/or observational clinical studies with associated mechanistic studies, to promote understanding and reduce immune-mediated morbidity and mortality in vulnerable pediatric transplant recipients.
> Size of Grant - $4.3 million
> Cost Sharing or Match – No  
> Web - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-12-005.html  
> Deadline Date –March 20, 2012
> Grant Resource – US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
> Category – Pediatric Phase 1/Pilot Consortium (Limited Competition UM1)
> Description – The purpose of this Funding opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to continue the NCI’s program for Pediatric Phase 1/Pilot Consortium. The function of the Consortium is to conduct Phase 1 and pilot studies in children with cancer so that new agents can be introduced into the pediatric oncology setting in a timely manner. The Consortium's ability to quickly conduct “first in children” studies is critical to NCI’s overall clinical research program for children with cancer. To accomplish the objectives of the FOA, a strong multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary research team is needed that can rapidly and efficiently design and conduct Phase 1 and pilot clinical trials and that is experienced in doing so within the ethical constraints applicable to research involving children.
> Size of Grant - $3.47 million
> Cost Sharing or Match –No  
> Web - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-12-502.html#_Section_II._Award_1
> Deadline Date – February 17, 2012
> Grant Resource – Department of Health and Human Services, US Food and Drug Administration 
> Category – Minor Species Development of Drugs; Research Project Grant (R01)
> Description – This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and solicits Research Project (R01) grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to develop, or support the development of, new animal drugs intended for minor use in major species or intended for use in minor species.  Only new animal drug products that have been designated in accordance with the provisions of section 573 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360ccc-2) and 21 CFR Part 516 are eligible for grants.  FDA is authorized to provide grants for designated new animal drugs to assist in defraying the costs of qualified safety and effectiveness testing.  This FOA relates to grants to assist in defraying the costs of qualified safety and effectiveness testing when a grant will either result in, or substantially contribute to, approval or conditional approval of a designated MUMS drug for a designated intended use.  Applicants must include an explanation of how the proposed study will help gain product approval or conditional approval in the application’s “Background and Significance” section.  All funded studies are subject to the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 331 et seq.), regulations issued under it, and applicable Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) statutes and regulations.
> Size of Grant - $125,000   
> Cost Sharing or Match – No
> Web – http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-FD-12-003.html#_Section_II._Award_1
> Deadline Date – June 27, 2012
> Grant Resource – National Institutes of Health (NIH)
> Category – Specialized Cooperative Centers Program in Reproduction and Infertility Research (U54)
> Description – The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to announce the re-competition of the Specialized Cooperative Centers Program in Reproduction and Infertility Research (SCCPIR).  The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) provides funding for a limited number of research centers in the reproductive sciences.  These centers provide an arena for multidisciplinary interactions between basic and clinical scientists interested in establishing high quality translational research programs in the area of reproductive health and infertility.  The centers also serve as a national resource for the training and career development of new scientists electing to pursue careers conducting translational research in high priority areas of reproduction and infertility.  Finally, center investigators are expected to participate in important community outreach and education efforts to increase awareness and convey the importance and implications of their research activities to the general public.
> Size of Grant – $1.4 million
> Cost Sharing or Match – No 
> Web - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HD-13-005.html#_Section_II._Award_1
> Deadline Date – June 27, 2012
> Grant Resource – Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health (NIH)
> Category – Specialized Cooperative Centers Program in Reproduction and Infertility Research (U54)
> Description – The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to announce the re-competition of the Specialized Cooperative Centers Program in Reproduction and Infertility Research (SCCPIR).  The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) provides funding for a limited number of research centers in the reproductive sciences.  These centers provide an arena for multidisciplinary interactions between basic and clinical scientists interested in establishing high quality translational research programs in the area of reproductive health and infertility.  The centers also serve as a national resource for the training and career development of new scientists electing to pursue careers conducting translational research in high priority areas of reproduction and infertility.  Finally, center investigators are expected to participate in important community outreach and education efforts to increase awareness and convey the importance and implications of their research activities to the general public.
> Size of Grant - $3.5 million
> Cost Sharing or Match – no
> Web - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HD-13-005.html#_Part_1._Overview
> Deadline Date – April 23, 2012
> Grant Resource – National Science Foundation
> Category – Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) in Engineering
> Description – This solicitation aims at introducing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology through a variety of interdisciplinary approaches into undergraduate engineering education. The focus of the FY 2012 competition is on nanoscale engineering education with relevance to devices and systems and/or on the societal, ethical, economic and/or environmental issues relevant to nanotechnology.
> Size of Grant - $200,000
> Cost Sharing or Match – No
> Web - http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12534/nsf12534.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click
> Deadline Date – August 12, 2012
> Grant Resource –National Science Foundation
> Category – NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
> Description – This program makes grants to institutions of higher education to support scholarships for academically talented students demonstrating financial need, enabling them to enter the STEM workforce or STEM graduate school following completion of an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate-level degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics disciplines. Grantee institutions are responsible for selecting scholarship recipients, reporting demographic information about student scholars, and managing the S-STEM project at the institution. The program does not make scholarship awards directly to students; students should contact their institutional Office of Financial Aid for this and other scholarship opportunities.
> Size of Grant - $70,000,000
> Cost Sharing or Match – No
> Web - http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12529/nsf12529.pdf
> See NANOSCIENCE, Grant Resource – National Science Foundation.
> See NANOSCIENCE, Grant Resource – National Science Foundation.
> Linda Mason, Ed.D.
> Coordinator of Grant Writing
> Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
> 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
> Oklahoma City, OK 73104
> 405-225-9486 desk
> 405-706-8757 cell
> 405-225-9230 FAX
> lmason at osrhe.edu
> www.okhighered.org/grant-opps/
> **Bronze+Blue=Green** The University of Central Oklahoma is Bronze, Blue, and Green! Please print this e-mail only if absolutely necessary! 
> **CONFIDENTIALITY** -This e-mail (including any attachments) may contain confidential, proprietary and privileged information. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of this information is prohibited.
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