[Okgrantsmanship] Present a poster at CUR Undergraduate Research PD Conference !!!

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Mon Apr 1 13:29:17 CDT 2013

Have you registered for .....
Windows of Opportunity: Undergraduate Research Conference (URPD 2013)

Go to the CUR website (www.cur.org<http://www.cur.org>) and register today!

When:     Saturday, June 22 (1:30 pm) through Sunday, 23 (6:00 pm), 2013
Where:Chapman University, Orange, California
How Much:The cost of the conference is $200 (before April 26 for CUR members) and single room housing is available for $52/night.
More Info:See the attached PDF flyer !!!
We are seeking submissions for posters of interest to undergraduate research program directors. The deadline for poster submissions is April 15, 2013. You will need to provide the following information in your submission: contact information (name, institution, and email), poster title, track (select one), and abstract. The poster session will be held on Sunday, June 23 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.  You will be notified by April 30, 2013 if your poster has been accepted.  Posters should be a maximum of 4'x3' in dimension.

To submit a poster, go to:


Ideas for poster topics:

  *   Evaluation, assessment, and benchmarking of your undergraduate research program
  *   Teaching Responsible Conduct of Research and other compliance issues
  *   Broadening Participation in Undergraduate Research
  *   Marketing, Fundraising and PR for Undergraduate Research on your campus
  *   Curricular Innovations to enhance and expand Undergraduate Research
  *   The Process of Producing a campus undergraduate research journal
  *   Preparing students to present their projects
  *   Judging undergraduate research presentations for awards
  *   Workshop and seminar topics for students and faculty mentors
  *   Innovative summer programs and interdisciplinary programs
  *   Training peer mentors
  *   Faculty mentor workshops
  *   Logistical hints for traveling with a large group of student to NCUR
  *   Programs for Freshmen and Transfer Students
  *   Preparing students for International Research Experiences
  *   Creative cross-campus collaborations (Leadership offices, Service Learning, Study Abroad, Residential Life)
  *   Community Based Research Programs
  *   Advisory Boards, Mission Statements and Strategic Plans
  *   Involving pre-professional degree students (eg, business, nursing, education, journalism)


You are currently subscribed to urpd as: lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>.

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