[Okgrantsmanship] XSEDE2013 conf July 22-25 San Diego: student opportunities

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Sat Mar 23 08:35:15 CDT 2013

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Linda Mason Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Henry Neeman <hneeman at oscer.ou.edu<mailto:hneeman at oscer.ou.edu>>
Date: March 22, 2013 12:05:27 PM CDT
To: <lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>>
Subject: XSEDE2013 conf July 22-25 Student Opportunities


XSEDE 2013 conference, July 22-25 2013, San Diego CA


Student Engagement Program applications due Fri March 29 2013
Open Science Grid User School applications due Fri March 29 2013
XSEDE Scholars applications due Fri April 1 2013
Student Posters due Fri April 12 2013

Students interested or engaged in computational research are
encouraged to attend and participate in the Student Program at
XSEDE13, the annual conference focused on science, education,
outreach, software, and technology related to the National
Science Foundation's eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery
Environment (XSEDE).

High school, undergraduate, and graduate students who attend
XSEDE13, to be held July 22-25 in San Diego, California, will
have opportunities to:

* Attend introductory tutorials tailored for students new to
computational science or more advanced tutorials designed to
help you get the most out of XSEDE resources.

* Compete in a student poster contest that shows how your
research demonstrates the value computational science adds to
scientific discovery.

Submissions are due April 12; details are available in the
Call for Participation:


* Talk with XSEDE and Open Science Grid staff and users through
XSEDE's Student Mentor Program.

* Participate in a job & internship fair at which organizations
will be seeking talented individuals with backgrounds in
computer science, computational sciences, networking, and other

"I had two students attending XSEDE12. They thought the meeting
was absolutely incredible, they really enjoyed it and I think they
both got a lot out of it," said Ross Walker, an assistant research
professor at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. "I don't know of
any other programs that would allow a first year undergrad and a
recently graduated high school student to attend and present at a
national conference, so this was a very unique opportunity for

Several programs provide financial support for students interested
in participating in XSEDE13:

XSEDE13 support:
Students can apply for funding to support student travel, lodging
and/or registration costs for attending XSEDE13.

Students who have submitted a paper, poster or visualization for
XSEDE13 will be given preference.

To apply, visit:
[No slash at the end.]

XSEDE Student Engagement Program:

The XSEDE Student Engagement Program is seeking undergraduate and
graduate students for a 10-week project experience for summer 2013. Working with XSEDE researchers and staff, students will make meaningful contributions to research, development, and systems projects that benefit the national scientific and computational community. Students will receive a small stiped and travel support for project orientation and to attend the XSEDE13 conference. Applications are due by March 29. For more information, visit: https://www.xsede.org/engagement

XSEDE Scholars:

The XSEDE Scholars Program is a yearlong program for U.S.
students from underrepresented groups in computational sciences.
The program provides opportunities to learn more about
high-performance computing and XSEDE resources, network with
cutting-edge researchers and leaders, and belong to a cohort of
student peers to establish a community of academic leaders.

XSEDE Scholars will receive a travel grant to attend XSEDE13 and
will participate in at least six online technical training and
mentoring webinars with other scholars throughout the year.
Applications are due by April 1 at:

Open Science Grid User School:
Students can apply by March 29 to attend the 2013 Open Science
Grid (OSG) User School, June 24-27 at the University of Wisconsin
in Madison. Participants will learn how to use high-throughput computing to harness vast amounts of computing power for research.

Using lectures, discussions, role plays, and lots of hands-on work
with OSG experts in high- throughput computing, students will
learn how HTC systems work, how to run and manage many jobs and huge datasets to implement a full scientific computing workflow,
and where to turn for help and more info. Successful applicants will get financial support, and some students will receive financial support to attend XSEDE13.
For more information, visit:
https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Education/OSGUserSchool2013 or send email to:
Osg-school-2013-info at opensciencegrid.org<mailto:Osg-school-2013-info at opensciencegrid.org>

XSEDE13 brings together hundreds of technologists, researchers,
educators, and students from across the country.
Registration will open in early April.
For more information, see:

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