Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri May 3 10:14:42 CDT 2013

From: Kristin Van Horn [mailto:KVanHorn at oklahomacenterfornonprofits.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 3:52 PM
To: Kristin Van Horn
Cc: Whitney Hartman
Subject: Grant Writing Workshop - from the OK Center for Non-Profits

Grantwriting from a Former Funders Perspective will be an excellent training workshop.  This training will be taught by Randy Macon, a former program officer with the Schusterman Foundation in Tulsa.

Grant Writing from a Former Funder's Perspective
May 16, 2013 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Featuring Randy Macon, The Center of Applied Research for Nonprofit Organizations & Former Program Staff for a Private Foundation
Ahhh grantwriting... The word can cause extreme excitement or extreme apprehension. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, we all recognize it is an important part of the development process. You have probably set through at least one (maybe more) sessions discussing the technical aspects of crafting grant proposals. This session will be different.  Led by a former foundation program officer, this session is designed to be an interactive co-learning process. We will touch on the following topics: 1.) Tailoring your proposal to meet expectations; 2.) Telling your story in 15 simple steps (an emerging template); 3.) Tips for crafting budgets and other supporting documents.  Bring along your organization's mission statement and any burning questions you may have. Come learn from a past pro! Please note: this session leader is a former program officer that is no longer associated with a foundation.
Location: American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma
601 NE 6th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73101

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you!

Kristin Van Horn
Client Services Manager, Oklahoma City
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Building better communities through effective nonprofits.
720 W. Wilshire Blvd. Suite 115, Oklahoma City, OK 73116  |  1145 S. Utica Ave., Suite 1100, Tulsa, OK 74104
405-463-6886 ext. 203 | 1-800-338-1798 Toll-free Helpline | Click Here to Donate<https://okctrnonprofits.wufoo.com/forms/donation-to-the-oklahoma-center-for-nonprofits/>
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