[Okgrantsmanship] Marie Curie Individual International Research Fellowships

Kathy Longhat longhatk at bacone.edu
Thu May 16 09:58:54 CDT 2013

Good morning! Do you know where I might go to find some monies for 
"cultural events" such as our annual pow wow and stomp dance and for a 
Symposium?  Thanks in advance for some direction...

On 5/3/2013 3:25 PM, Mason, Linda wrote:
> Here is information about International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) - Brunel University, London, will be happy to host US colleague(s). See Brunel University at http://www.brunel.ac.uk/. Specifically, Brunel excels in Technology, Business, commercialization of engineering or scientific research. They have an initiative called Ideas to Market, similar to the Oklahoma i2E (Innovation to Enterprise).
> International Incoming Fellowship (IIF)
> .         For researchers based outside Europe to work in an EU Member State or country associated to FP7
> .         Have a duration of 1-2 years
> .         Any nationality can apply
> These actions are for experienced researchers with at least four years research experience or a PhD. To be eligible applicants should not have been in the host country for more than 12 months in the previous three years.
> The Marie Curie Fellowships scheme is open to all disciplines and applicants can propose a project of their choice, supported by a 'host researcher' at host institute. . The fellowships cover the cost of a researcher's living, relocation, research expenses and overheads for a period of 12 to 24 months (full-time). Applications are assessed on the basis of the proposed project's scientific, academic or technical quality and implementation as well as the applicant's training plans, research experience and achievements.
> Attach is a PP presentation for your information with more details. Note that we (UK and EU) can also send a researcher to US under International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF).
> If you have faculty interested in applying for this research fellowship, please contact me, Linda Mason, lmason at osrhe.edu.
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