[Okgrantsmanship] Blue Waters Grad Fellowship: Applications due Mon Feb 3 2014

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Nov 12 09:01:05 CST 2013

Please forward to appropriate faculty members. 

Forwarding on behalf of the Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships program (bwgf at ncsa.illinois.edu).

Please reply directly to the program, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Applications now being accepted for
Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships
Applications due Mon Feb 3 2014 9:00pm EST

bwgf at ncsa.illinois.edu


The Blue Waters Graduate Fellowship Program is a new and unique program funded by the National Science Foundation.

This prestigious program will select graduate students from across the country to immerse themselves in a year of focused high-performance computing (HPC) research.

The fellowships will empower these talented graduate students to advance their HPC knowledge while also providing them with time and support to accelerate their research.

The fellowship is designed to support PhD students who are engaged in a program of study and research that is directly relevant to the use of the Blue Waters supercomputer.

Preference will be given to candidates engaged in a multidisciplinary research project that combines disciplines such as computer science, applied mathematics and computational science applications.

Fellowship recipients will receive a stipend of $38,000 for the one year of the fellowship.

They will also receive up to a $12,000 tuition allowance.

During the fellowship year, the fellow's academic institution is asked to exempt the recipient of any other tuition and fee charges normally charged to students of comparable academic standing.

Recipients will receive travel funds to attend a Blue Waters symposium and may also receive funding to present a paper at another scientific meeting.

The fellowship provides up to 100,000 node-hours on the Blue Waters system to support the fellow's research.

Blue Waters is a truly extraordinary supercomputer, designed to handle the most compute-intensive, memory-intensive, and data-intensive challenges in computational science and engineering.

Blue Waters features:

* Nearly 27,000 very high-performance computational nodes including more than 4,000 GPUs.

* More than 1.66 petabytes of memory.

* More than 25 usable petabytes of online disk storage.

* Up to 500 petabytes of near-line tape storage.

* For complete details of the Blue Waters system, visit:


Researchers across the country are using Blue Waters to gain new understanding of how viruses attack our bodies, the formation of galaxies and of severe storms, space weather, sub-atomic physics and other challenging topics.

For the fellowships, preference will be given to candidates engaged in a multidisciplinary research project that combines disciplines such as computer science, applied mathematics, and computational science applications.

Applications will be evaluated based on:

* Academic record

* Research plan and its relationship to use of the Blue Waters supercomputer

* GRE score

* Related experience and service

* Letters of reference

Applications, including all supporting materials, must be submitted no later than 9 pm EST on Mon Feb 3 2014.

Awards will be made in spring 2014, with the tuition allowance applied to the 2014-2015 academic year.

For complete information on the fellowships, visit:


Questions? Contact:

bwgf at ncsa.illinois.edu

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