[Okgrantsmanship] Fwd: Invitation to Participate in Outreach/Recruitment Opportunity--Women in Science Conference 3/4/14

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Oct 3 13:45:37 CDT 2013

Linda Mason Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gina Miller <gmiller at okepscor.org<mailto:gmiller at okepscor.org>>
Date: October 3, 2013 9:15:30 AM CDT
To: Gina Miller <gmiller at okepscor.org<mailto:gmiller at okepscor.org>>
Subject: Invitation to Participate in Outreach/Recruitment Opportunity--Women in Science Conference 3/4/14

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Dear Educational Outreach Representatives and College/University Recruiting Officers:

The Oklahoma Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research program (OK NSF EPSCoR) is pleased to announce plans for the 12th annual Women in Science Conference!  The event, which is provided free-of-charge to vendors and conference attendees, will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, at the Spirit Bank Event Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  This exciting conference is designed to encourage young women in grades 6-12 to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

During the one-day conference, students will participate in interactive panel discussions, college planning sessions, as well as an expanded educational outreach session that will include college/career recruitment tables and hands-on science booths.  I would like to formally invite you to participate in this expanded two-hour session.  Recruiters from Oklahoma colleges, universities, and other organizations with educational outreach missions are invited to send representatives to come and engage students in hands-on science activities and to share program and resource information.  We anticipate 800 students and teachers from across the state to be in attendance.

We are pleased to announce some changes to our 2014 agenda, which have been made to further enhance teachers', students', and vendor/booth hosts’ conference experiences.  Based on past participants' feedback, our 2014 conference will include two-hour combination hands-on science and college/recruitment fair sessions.  This strategic combining of resources, in addition to the Spirit Bank Event Center’s expansive arena space, will provide students with a terrific opportunity to visit booths and interact with you and your staff.

A teacher resource room will also be available to science and math teachers, as well as counselors, to support professional development in STEM areas.  If you have teacher resource materials, we will be happy to make them available to educators and counselors in the teachers’ lounge area.

Opportunities for institution/organization participation:

1.       Host a hands-on science, college/recruitment or general STEM outreach booth:

a.       We recommend bringing at least two representatives to host your booth.

b.      Time commitment:
Tuesday, March 4, 2014—You should plan to arrive/set up from 7:30-8:30 a.m.; schools check-in at 8:30 a.m.  Booth hosts must be INSIDE THE BUILDING prior to 8:30 a.m. to avoid confusion and congestion as schools arrive.  Sessions will run from 9:30-11:30 and 12:15-2:15.  You can expect to close your booth at 2:30 p.m.  Box lunches will be provided for all participants free of charge.
2.       Students get excited about freebies, so (if possible) plan to bring promotional materials, giveaways, etc., to further engage students.  These items should be distributed informally and directly to student from your booth throughout the day.  We anticipate ~800 students and teachers.
If your organization would like to participate in Women in Science 2014 as a HANDS-ON SCIENCE BOOTH HOST or a COLLEGE/RECRUITMENT BOOTH HOST, please complete the attached registration form and email to:  kay.scheets at okstate.edu<mailto:kay.scheets at okstate.edu> or dana.brunson at okstate.edu<mailto:dana.brunson at okstate.edu> no later than January 15, 2014.
There is no cost for booth space, but registration is required and SPACE IS LIMITED, so return your form today.

After you return the attached commitment form, ALL INDIVIDUALS in your group who will be attending the event must personally register for the conference online at http://www.okepscor.org/calendar/2014-women-science-conference via the “Vendors and Volunteers” link at the bottom of the Web page.

We appreciate your assistance in reaching the goal of the Women in Science conference:  Showing students that STEM careers are exciting, attainable and rewarding.  The event is sponsored by the Oklahoma National Science Foundation Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (OK NSF EPSCoR), in collaboration with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, National Science Foundation, Oklahoma INBRE and other funding agencies.

If you have further questions, I can be reached at 405.744.7645 or you can contact the committee chairs via email at kay.scheets at okstate.edu<mailto:kay.scheets at okstate.edu> and dana.brunson at okstate.edu<mailto:dana.brunson at okstate.edu>.

Having trouble viewing this announcement?
Visit http://www.okepscor.org/public-outreach/news/outreach-opportunity-organizations-2014-women-science-conference and http://www.okepscor.org/calendar/2014-women-science-conference for more information.

Gina Miller
Outreach Coordinator
Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR
Oklahoma State University
415 Whitehurst Hall
Stillwater, OK  74078
Ph: 405.744.7645
Fax: 405.744.7688
gmiller at okepscor.org<mailto:gmiller at okepscor.org>
gina.miller at okstate.edu<mailto:gina.miller at okstate.edu>
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[cid:image006.jpg at 01CEBF7E.AD2B6590]<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oklahoma-EPSCoR/147363668667232>  [cid:image008.jpg at 01CEBF7E.AD2B6590] <http://www.flickr.com/photos/epscor/>   [cid:image010.jpg at 01CEBF7E.AD2B6590] <https://twitter.com/OklahomaEPSCoR>    [cid:image011.jpg at 01CEBF75.D4A4C4D0] <http://www.youtube.com/user/OKEPSCoRBioenergy?feature=watch>

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