[Okgrantsmanship] To Get that Federal Grant, Serve on a Peer Review Panel

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Apr 10 10:50:31 CDT 2014

Good article!

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing 
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu

Do not be afraid to give your time to writing grant proposals. Time given to planning proposals is never time lost, but is rather time gained, so that our research, our programs, our collaborations and indeed our whole profession may become more profoundly significant.

The Grant Advisors has posted a new item, 'To Get that Federal Grant, Serve on a Peer Review Panel'

So you want to apply for that smoking federal grant that could fully fund your pet project for the next five years. But, you don’t know where to start, with the application full of foreign terms, such as foundational priorities and logic models, that sound like grant writing landmines.

The easiest solution-become a peer grant reviewer. The Grant Advisors suggest that the easiest way to become familiar with the grants program you want to apply for is to serve on a panel that judges the federal applications and decides who wins the awards. And, it is more uncomplicated than you might think.

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The Grant Advisors
info at the-grant-advisors.com

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