[Okgrantsmanship] DIGITAL RESOURCE CONFERENCE: XSEDE2014: Deadlines Mon Apr 21, registration open

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Apr 16 17:23:57 CDT 2014

Please reply directly to Scott, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



XSEDE14 Student Program
Applications for student travel support due Mon Apr 28 2014

July 13-18 2014, Atlanta GA
Registration opens Mon Apr 21 2014


The XSEDE14 Student Program encompasses all of the student-focused sessions and events at the annual XSEDE conference, July 13-18,
2014 in Atlanta, Georgia. 

The deadline for student travel grant support is April 28!!

We invite students in any discipline who are interested in learning how digital resources can be used to further their research or career goals to participate.

Here are some highlights from the planned activities:

* A team-based modeling & simulation challenge.

* Career focused activities, including a keynote speaker from Proctor and Gamble, a panel discussion with professionals who use or provide digital resources every day, and a job fair.

* Conference orientation dinner with mentors from the XSEDE community.

* Student paper and student poster tracks with best student paper and poster awards.

* Student travel, lodging and registration grants, apply here:


* Student volunteer opportunities. 

For more information regarding the XSEDE14 Student Program see the attached flier.

Complete information about XSEDE14:


Scott Lathrop
Blue Waters Technical Program Manager for Education XSEDE Director of Education and Outreach
lathrop at illinois.edu

>Participate in XSEDE14!
>July 13-18 2014, Atlanta GA
>Registration opens Mon Apr 21 2014
>Many submission deadlines Mon Apr 21 2014 http://www.xsede.org/xsede14/
>XSEDE14 Submission Deadlines
>Registration opens Mon Apr 21
>Visualization Showcase abstracts, Birds of a Feather proposals and 
>poster abstracts—including student poster abstracts—are due on April 
>Additionally, student travel grant applications are due the same day.
>Details about these opportunities are available in the Call for 
>Participation posted at:
>Farnam Jahanian, assistant director for the Directorate for Computer 
>and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) at the National Science 
>Foundation, will be the keynote speaker at the conference.
>XSEDE14 registration, schedule and other information can all be found 
>The XSEDE14 date for open registration will be April 21.
>XSEDE14 will take place in Atlanta from July 13-18, 2014 at the Atlanta 
>Marriott Marquis and will showcase the discoveries, innovations, 
>challenges and achievements of those who utilize and support XSEDE 
>resources and services, as well as other digital resources and services 
>throughout the world.
>The theme of XSEDE14 is "Engaging Communities," to engage both 
>traditional users of digital resources and people who have not 
>traditionally used digital resources but would benefit from their 
>About XSEDE
>The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) is 
>the most advanced, powerful, and robust collection of integrated 
>advanced digital resources and services in the world.
>It is a single virtual system that scientists can use to interactively 
>share computing resources, data, and expertise.
>XSEDE accelerates scientific discovery by enhancing the productivity of 
>researchers, engineers, and scholars by deepening and extending the use 
>of XSEDE’s ecosystem of advanced digital services and by advancing and 
>sustaining the XSEDE advanced digital infrastructure.
>XSEDE is a five-year, $121-million project and is supported by the 
>National Science Foundation.
>If you'd prefer not to receive announcements from hneeman at ou.edu, 
>please send e-mail to hneeman at ou.edu requesting to be removed.
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