[Okgrantsmanship] REGISTRATION ENDS THIS WEEK - 2014 Oklahoma Technology Showcase

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Aug 20 10:31:04 CDT 2014

[2014 OTS banner]

Presentations by nine Oklahoma technology-based companies will highlight the third annual Oklahoma Technology Showcase slated for August 28 at the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond.

Presenters at this year's event are ARL/DNA Solutions<http://www.arlok.com>, Charlesson LLC<http://charlessonllc.com>, Choctaw Defense<http://www.choctawdefense.com>, CRTS<http://www.coatingrobotics.com>, MaxQ<http://flymaxq.com/>, Noble Foundation<http://noble.org>, Pamlico Biopharma<http://accelebio.com/>, PolySkope<http://polyskopelabs.com> and Sensulin<http://www.sensulin.com>.

Special guest speakers include Don Betz, University of Central Oklahoma; Steve Hendrickson, Boeing; Phil Parduhn, Pelco Products and Scott Hoyte, GE. Secretary of Science and Technology Stephen McKeever and Senator Clark Jolley will headline the reception/intern awards presentations.

An exciting addition at this year's event will be tours of UCO's world-class Forensic Science Institute, a comprehensive training and research organization in all aspects of evidence collection, preservation, analysis, reporting and testimony.

Investors, business leaders, economic developers as well as young Oklahomans trying to decide on a college curriculum are all encouraged to attend the showcase. Each presenter will give a 10-minute high energy talk highlighting their innovative products or services, lessons learned as they developed their tech-based companies and the challenges of securing funding.

The Technology Showcase is August 28 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (registration and breakfast begin at 8) at the University of Central Oklahoma's Nigh University Center.

Event booth space is still available. Contact Chad Mullen with OCAST at 866-265-2215 or chad.mullen at ocast.ok.gov<mailto:Chad.Mullen at ocast.ok.gov?subject=Tech%20Showcase>.


Register Today - early bird registration has been extended until August 24 but SPACE IS LIMITED<http://www.techshowcase14.eventbrite.com>
Hosted by:

[logo for UCO]<http://www.uco.edu/>

[logo for OCAST]<http://www.ok.gov/ocast/>


Sponsored by:
[logo for Tactical Electronics]<http://www.tacticalelectronics.com/>

[logo for the Edmond Economic Development Authority]<http://www.eeda.com/>

[logo for the OKC Chamber]<http://www.okcchamber.com/>

[logo for Amethyst Research]<http://amethystresearch.com/>

[logo for i2E]<http://www.i2e.org/>

[logo for the Manufacturing Alliance]<http://www.okalliance.com/>

[logo for Pelco Products]<http://www.pelcoinc.com/>

[logo for Pelco Structural]<http://www.pelcostructural.com/>

[logo for Access Optics]<http://www.accessoptics.com/>

[logo for OSU New Product Development]<https://npdc.okstate.edu/>

[logo for OU Technology Development]<http://www.otd.ou.edu/>

To see highlights from the 2013 Oklahoma Technology Showcase, view the event program<http://www.ok.gov/ocast/documents/2013program.pdf> or watch the videos<http://www.youtube.com/user/ocastokgov>.

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